NEPAD Challenging Job Opportunities
The NEPAD offices were established with the formal adoption of The NEPAD Strategic Framework at the 37th Summit of the Organization for African Unity (OAU) in July 2001, as a programme of the OAU. The document arose from a mandate given to
the five initiating Heads of State (Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa) by the OAU to develop an integrated socio-economic development framework for Africa. .
Position Title: Human Resources Development Officer – Consultant
Supervisor: Human Resources Manager
Sector: Human Resources (HR), Finance and Administration Unit
Duty Station: NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency, Midrand, Johanne
The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Secretariat is seeking for a Human Resources Development Officer – Consultant. Under the supervision of the Human Resources Manager of the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA) or his/her delegate, the Human Resources Development Officer – Consultant will work with the NPCA Staff Members to provide efficient and effective payroll services to the NPCA.
Applications should be forwarded electronically utilizing “Arial: font 11.5: to and they should be marked for the attention of:
Mrs. F. Ceesay Jallow
NEPAD Secretariat
C/o Development Bank of Southern Africa
The closing date for this position is Friday, 4 June 2010. Please note, should you not hear from us within six (6) weeks after the closing date, kindly consider your application to be unsuccessful.
Click on the link below for more details:
Position Title: Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) of the APRM Secretariat
Duty Station: Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), which is an African Union Office located in Midrand, South Africa, wishes to advertise the post of Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) of the APRM Secretariat. The Deputy CEO, under the direct supervision of the CEO, is the Deputy Head of the Secretariat and responsible to the APR Panel of Eminent Persons, who report to the Committee of Heads of State & Government of Participating Countries.
The AU Office for APRM offers same conditions as for comparable levels at the African Union in South Africa, with immunities and privileges provided for in the Host Country Agreement.
All applications, which should include a letter of motivation, detailed curriculum vitae, and three references, should be sent, not later than 20 June 2010 to the address below:
AU Office for APRM, Attn. Chairperson, APR Panel,
P.O.Box 1234;
Halfway House,
Midrand, South Africa.
To apply on line please visit
APRM web
NEPAD web site:
Or send by email:
Click on the links below for more details:
Position Title: Coordinator – Country Review process (Francophone)
Duty Station: Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), which is an African Union Office located in Midrand, South Africa, is seeking qualified African nationals to fill the position of Coordinator – Country Review process (Francophone)
The AU Office for APRM offers same conditions as for comparable levels at the African Union in South Africa, with immunities and privileges provided for in the Host Country Agreement.
All applications, which should include a letter of motivation, detailed curriculum vitae, and three references, should be sent, not later than 20 June 2010 to the address below:
AU Office for APRM, Attn. Chairperson, APR Panel,
P.O.Box 1234;
Halfway House,
Midrand, South Africa.
To apply on line please visit
APRM web
NEPAD web site:
Or send by email:
Click on the links below for more details:
Position Title: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the APRM Secretariat
Duty Station: Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), which is an African Union Office located in Midrand, South Africa, wishes to advertise the post of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the APRM Secretariat. The CEO is the Head of the Secretariat and responsible to the APR Panel of Eminent Persons, who report to the Committee of Heads of State & Government of Participating Countries.
The AU Office for APRM offers same conditions as for comparable levels at the African Union in South Africa, with immunities and privileges provided for in the Host Country Agreement.
All applications, which should include a letter of motivation, detailed curriculum vitae, and three references, should be sent, not later than 20 June 2010 to the address below:
AU Office for APRM, Attn. Chairperson, APR Panel,
P.O.Box 1234;
Halfway House,
Midrand, South Africa.
To apply on line please visit
APRM web
NEPAD web site:
Or send by email:
Click on the links below for more details:
Call for Proposals (extension of deadline)
The Partnership for African Fisheries (PAF) was established in April 2009 with funding from the British Government. Implementation is currently managed by the NEPAD Agency. PAF seeks to strengthen Africa’s ability to devise and implement policies for growth in the fisheries sector. It will do this through facilitating participative research, training and information sharing in selected technical areas. Through establishing dynamic, fluid and multi-stakeholder partnerships and through engagement at the political level, it will ensure that the African fisheries sector (in its broadest sense) has a voice and that this voice is heard.
NEPAD is now calling for proposals from companies to provide consultancy services to assist in the design and installation of an M&E System.
Terms of reference and instructions to bidders are accessible through the links below.
The deadline for receipt of proposals has been extended to Friday 25th th June 2010. Expressions of interest should be emailed to Mr. Kossi Toulassi email: [email protected]
For queries, contact
: Mr. Kossi Toulassi on +27112563642 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +27112563642 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or Dr. Sloans Chimatiro on +27 83 380 8512 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +27 83 380 8512 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Click Here for the Terms of Reference: Development of a Monitoring and Evaluation System to support the management and implementation of the Partnership for African Fisheries (PAF)
Click Here for the Call for Proposals, Design of an M&E System for PAF: Summary Information

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