Management Trainee recruitments at IFFCO
1. Objective:
Ensure steady availability of well trained Trainees for frontline supervisory positions in the organization.
Provide a robust frame work for succession planning.
Build the organizational human capital capability to meet the current and future growth plans of the company.
2. Methodology:
2.1 Manpower Estimation:
2.1.1 As per the Annual Operating Plan (AOP) and the Strategic Business Plan (SBP) determine the total number of Trainees desired / required in respective Business Groups / Corporate Functions / Geographies.
2.1.2 Requirement of Trainees would be determined in the following disciplines – Engineering Graduate including Oil, Dairy and Information technology. Post Graduate in Engineering, Business Administration and Finance.
2.1.3 An attrition rate of 15% would be assumed for current frontline supervisory positions.
The sum total arrived as above would determine the overall requirement of Trainees. The recruitment plan would be detailed up-to the location where they would be actually placed post training.
Recruitmen Plan:
Identification of Institute: On the basis of the above determined requirement, the Talent Management team would identify premier Institutes in India, Pakistan, UAE and Philippines from where the desired number of trainees would be sourced.
Illustrated list of Institutes for Management Trainee Program
(1) Symbiosis Institute of Management – Pune
Amity Business School – Noida
Management Development Institute (MDI) – Gurgaon
S P Jain Institute of Management – Mumbai
X I M B – Bhuvneshwar
Institute of Mgmt Technology – Ghaziabad
Narsee Monjee Institute of Management – Mumbai
Institute of Business Administration – Karachi
Lahore University of Management Sciences – Lahore
American University of Sharjah – Sharjah
American University of Dubai – Dubai
Zayed University – Abu Dhabi
Asian Institute of Management – Manila
Pre-Placement Talk (PPT): Talent Management team would tie up with the identified institutes and along with one Management Committee Member make a pre placement talk to the prospective “New Hires”.
For ensuring uniformity, Pre Placement communication would be designed & circulated by the Talent Management team.
Selection Process: Brief selection methodology to be followed is mentioned below:
Candidates would be screened and short listed on the basis of their academic scores during Graduation / Post Graduation studies.
Short listed candidates would be called for Group Discussion (GD) to assess specific competencies. (Competency frame work would be attached with detailed recruitment process)
Short listed candidates would be invited for personal discussion with panel of HR and Business / Functional Group Director.
Extend offer of employment
Training Duration: All Trainees would have to undergo rigorous training (Both classroom & On the Job Training) for a period of one year (52 weeks).
Training Plan: A brief training plan (52 weeks) for Trainees is as follows:
Module A —- 4 weeks of Corporate Induction
Module B — 6 weeks of Sales Induction ( Mandatory for all trainees )
Module C —- 10 weeks of Functional Induction
Module D — 6 weeks of Cross Functional Induction
Module E — 26 weeks of On the Job Training (OJT)
Illustrated Training Plan for a Sales & Marketing Trainee:
Module A — Corporate Induction
Module B — Sales Induction – FMCG
Module C — Sales / Marketing Induction – Key Accounts
Module D —- Supply Chain / HR / Tech Services
Module E —- Sales / Marketing
Allocation of project assignment: Each Trainee would be responsible to undertake projects during Modules C, D, and E.
HR would assign each Trainee project (s) assignment in consultation with Business / Functional Head. The project(s) would be strictly functional and have relevance to the business needs.
Allocation of Mentor: Each Management Committee member would be assigned a Trainee(s) to provide guidance and support to ensure effective induction into the Company. The Management Committee member would also endeavor for personal supervision of the progress made on the assigned project(s) to the Trainee.
Training Evaluation
During the training period the Trainee’s learning / performance would be assessed on their project report / OJT.
The projects would have a weighted index as per the following distribution:
Module C : 25 %
Module D: 25 %
Module E: 50 %
2.4 Deployment: After the successful completion of training and the performance during the training period, the Trainees would be deployed in various functions as desired / planned.
2.5 Compensation & Reward:
2.5.1 During the training period the Trainees would be paid a fixed cash stipend as per norms defined for the respective category of trainees (please refer to the trainee matrix). If a trainee is provided with accommodation during the term of the training (including OJT); an amount of AED 1500 per month (prorated for the actual number of days accommodation is provided) would be deducted from the stipend. Further, during the training period, the trainee would not be eligible to participate under the Company Variable Pay Program.
After the successful completion of training of 52 weeks, Trainees would be placed either as Associate Manager in AM band or Junior Manager in JM band, with a revised fixed cash compensation as per norms defined for the respective category of trainees (please refer to the trainee matrix). In addition, the trainee would be eligible to participate in the Company Variable Pay Program as applicable to the other employees in their band.
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