Oxfam in Nigeria and International Centre for Energy, Environment and Development (ICEED: Improving Fuel Wood
Balance Project
Oxfam is a confederation of 17 Affiliates committed to creating a just world without poverty. In Nigeria Oxfam works in the areas of Economic Justice/Livelihood, Basic Social Services, Humanitarian programming, Gender Justice / Female Leadership and Good governance, adopting a rights based approach. The International Centre for Energy, Environment & Development (ICEED) is a Nigerian think tank focused on addressing climate change and promoting clean energy through policy research, advocacy and communication on the low carbon economy.
Oxfam and ICEED, with funding support from the European Union and the National Planning Commission (NPC) as the contracting authority, are collaborating in the implementation of a four year project on renewable energy production, including Agro-forestry. The project is aimed at sustainably improving the fuel-wood balance and resilience of livelihoods of rural households in 7 LGAs in Katsina state by increasing wood supply through farmer managed natural regeneration whilst reducing fuel wood demand through dissemination and use of fire wood efficient stoves.
The following positions are open to suitably qualified personnel who will drive the implementation of the project:
Project Manager:
The Project Manager role is an opportunity for an experienced project management expert to work with and steer a team of dedicated staff to achieve the goals and objectives of the project. Reporting to Oxfam and with direction provided by the Steering Committee, he/she will be responsible for the overall management of the project – staff, activities and resources to deliver on planned results, ensuring programme quality and impact. Oversees, administers, supervises and manages performance management for all team members. The position reports to Oxfam and coordinates closely with ICEED, with overall accountability for project management and delivery of results in line with the contract agreement.
Main Tasks:
· Set up a core Programme Management Unit (PMU) in collaboration with the Programme Officers for Agro-forestry and Energy Efficient Stoves according to project goals.
· Participate in the recruitment of project staff to ensure the right skills sets for the various roles of the project.
· Set up and run the Project Management Unit
· Organise Project Kick-Off and Multi-stakeholder meetings as contained in the project document to (re-) define and create ownership for the project strategy, objectives and results.
· Approve work plans and ensure a smooth implementation of the project by effectively and efficiently coordinating the Wood stoves and Agro-forestry components.
· Ensure appropriate reporting requirements to the EU are met in line with contract agreements.
· Actively promote Project principles and objectives with Communities, Local, State authorities, Oxfam, ICEED, EU and key stakeholders both within and outside the project area.
· Ensure linkages and synergies between the project, the Lot 1 component and other State Government Agro-forestry initiatives.
· Establish linkages between project and relevant State and Local Government MDAs
· Represent the IFuWoBa Project in national forums and ensure its adequate visibility in line with EU requirements
· Ensure synergies between programme components and other Oxfam / ICEED Programmes in Nigeria as well as within the region.
· Ensure the project delivers results in line with the agreements reached with the donor.
· Guarantee sustainability of the project’s results by timely handing over responsibilities to target beneficiaries and stakeholders during project implementation
· In collaboration with the project management team, oversee, administer, supervise and manage performance for all team members;
· Other tasks as specified and assigned in coordination with Oxfam and ICEED
– Advanced degree in: Agriculture, Rural Development, Environmental Natural Resource Management, Forestry, Agricultural Extension or related areas
– Proven project management skills with at least 12 years experience in the management of donor projects, preferably an EU funded project, with the last 5 years spent as Project Manager.
– Experience in the workings of the public sector, especially workings at both State and Local Government levels is an added advantage.
– Team management / building skills and ability to work in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious settings;
– Proven oral and written communication skills;
– Verbal communications skills in English and Hausa
Agro-forestry Programme Officer:
The Programme Officer is fully responsible for the delivery of the results of the Agro-forestry component in collaboration with the Programme Manager, the Project Officer Fuel Woodstoves and the project team. This position reports to the Project Manager.
Main Tasks:
· Develop annual work plans for the implementation of the project in collaboration with the project team
· Design a draft project implementation manual to guide implementation of the agro-forestry component.
· Ensure a comprehensive baseline is carried out to derive quality data needed for the implementation of the agro-forestry component of the project. Recruit Technical services for this and oversee conduct of the baseline study
· Ensure comprehensive promotion of natural regeneration and other Agro-forestry models in the target project areas to build widespread awareness on the project benefits and mobilize participation in the project
· Ensure effective capacity building of target beneficiaries for effective take off of the Agro-forestry segment of the project.
· Supervise the establishment of nurseries and distribution of seedlings,
· Work with the relevant members of the project team to establish public/private/CBO partnership platforms that plan and coordinate LGA level actions to create conducive legal/practical conditions that allow people to benefit from the trees they manage.
· Facilitate a review of financial mechanisms such as taxation on unsustainable use and loans for investments in Agro-forestry models and the development of an updated acceptable regime.
· Identify and engage applied research institutions for provision of specialised technical services and know/how such as GIS and Agro-forestry models development
· Support socially inclusive value chain development for Agro-forestry, rural entrepreneurship, markets and marketing working with the Project advisers and Private Sector Expert,
· Supervise the effective implementation of a Results Based Financing mechanism, whereby entrepreneurs are rewarded for their achievements to raise and supply seedlings to CBOs
· Contribute to results as relevant for both the Agro-forestry and Wood Stoves component.
· Develop and organise ToRs, Capacity Development plans, Implementation Plans, M&E routines, Documentation, TA support, in order to support Implementing Partners
· Elaborate and actively promote Project principles and results in the project area and inform sector policies of more efficient intervention based on results of the action.
· Facilitate the transfer of technology / participatory learning on the Agro-forestry supporting techniques such as water management, intercropping, improved pasture,
· Actively take part in PMU meetings and provide other services as may be delegated by the Project Manager.
– A post-graduate degree in Forestry and Natural Resource Management, Development studies, social sciences or related fields
– Minimum 10 years extensive experience in Farmer-Managed Agroforestry Models in northern Nigeria
– Relevant work experience in project management preferably for an EU project
– Comprehensive understanding of project principles such as social justice, economy-based scaling up of agro-forestry models
– Excellent knowledge of donor processes in contract and project management
– Extensive experience in NGO/Service Provision, CBO capacity building
– Proven skills in community entry, mobilization and organization
– Ability to work well in diverse teams
– Excellent communication skills
– Verbal communications skills in English and Hausa
Private Sector Development Expert
The role of the Private Sector Expert is to facilitate the development of viable economic models that link farmers to private sector markets. Also work with the project team to ensure that by the end of the project, at least four economic Agro-forestry models have been documented, improved and scaled up for optimal production of fuel wood, NTFPs and intercrops / fodder for local markets. Additionally a local supply chain is expected to have installed at least 35,000 FWR stoves in poor and middle income households of which 90% is regularly used, leading to overall 15% reduction in rural fuel wood consumption. This position reports to the Project Manager and coordinates with the Private Sector team at Oxfam in Nigeria and ICEED.
Main Tasks:
· Assess implementing NGOs capacity, develop and carry out capacity building plans to ensure that CBOs / NGOs have the capacity to create public/private/CBO partnership platforms that plan and coordinate LGA level actions
· Initiate and lead market assessments and opportunities for value chain development suitable to market demands.
· Provide technical and institutional support to the project team with specific focus on linking beneficiaries to markets. This includes facilitating partnerships between the target communities and project staff with service providers such as technical institutions, producer and marketing institutions/agencies, financial institutions, other NGO’s and local and international research institutes and Katsina State relevant line Ministries of Agric and Environment.
· Build local capacity to interpret customary, religious and administrative tenure rights for local tree tenure regulations and bye-laws and have CBOs adapt and adopt them to promote entrepreneurship with trees
· Train partner NGO staff on market, engagement with the private sector, social mobilisation and technical skills
· Support partner NGO staff and CBO leaders in the fulfilment of their roles in realising project results.
· Ensure gender equity in project implementation especially the participation of women in the supply chains for the Woodstoves and Agro forestry components of the project.
· Develop ToRs, Capacity Development plans, Implementation routines, M&E routines, in order to support Implementing Partners to:
· Other tasks as specified and assigned within the project team
· A university degree in Business Administration or any of the Social Sciences
· Minimum 4 years relevant experience in project management preferably for an EU project
· Understanding of the workings of the Private Sector and markets
· Proven experience in Entrepreneur capacity building for SME development and support to rural community business management
· Experience in value chain development and application of innovative financial mechanisms and entrepreneurship;
· Ability to work well in a team
· Fluent in English. Ability speak Hausa will be an advantage
M & E Officer
The M&E Officer will be responsible for providing oversight for project results, ensuring the collection of reliable data to support Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning activities. This position reports to the Project Manager and works closely with the Programme Officers Agro-forestry, Fuel Wood stoves and other members of the project team. It will also coordinate with the M&E team of Oxfam in Nigeria and ICEED.
Main tasks:
· Ensure the conduct of baseline to derive needed credible data for the tracking of results
· Set up and maintain project MIS database
· Develop a monitoring protocol that both CBOs and entrepreneurs can use for project reporting.
· Set up community based monitoring and planning platforms for Agro-forestry system adoption, bye-law application, and FWR stoves, and build capacity of groups/artisans in record keeping and reporting
· Stage exchange visits for farmer-to-farmer learning with successful fuel wood stoves projects
Ensure learning and dissemination by documenting Agro-forestry systems and FWR stoves models in 7 publications in which their effectiveness and the lessons learned are analysed, and are disseminated to over 100 subject-matter specialist and inform decision and policy makers
Facilitate dissemination of information and results to all 12 northern Katsina LGAs which motivates them to stage action for more trees in the landscape
· Monitor the quantitative and qualitative performance of the Agro-forestry and Fuel Woodstoves components of the project. Ensure quarterly monitoring reports on progress are submitted in line with EU reporting requirements.
· Ensure mid and end term evaluation reports effectively document the activities in the project and track towards envisaged results
· Develop ToRs, Capacity Development plans, Implementation routines, M&E routines, in order to support activities of implementing partners
· Undertake surveys as needed for continuous tracking of results and learning
· Organise 9 peer-to-peer exchange learning visits / communication for all levels of activities to Niger
· Any other tasks as assigned within the Programme team
– A good university degree in the Social Sciences
– Minimum 4 years relevant experience in project management preferably for an EU project
– Demonstrable experience in designing, implementing and overseeing of monitoring, evaluation and learning systems
– Proven experience in M&E capacity building for local NGOs and CBOs on donor funded projects
– Good knowledge of M&E on EU funded projects will be an advantage
– Able to work well in a diverse team
Financial Administrator
The Financial administrator is responsible for the financial, administrative and office management of the PMU in Katsina. Also he/she ensures the compliance of financial and administrative procedures with the standards as set by Oxfam (Novib) and European Union. The Financial Administrator reports to the Project Manager and is expected to provide strategic support working closely with Finance and Support Manager Oxfam in Nigeria Country Office to deliver quality financial and administrative operations effectively, efficiently, transparent and accountable.
Main tasks
Responsible for Setup Katsina FuWoBa Project financial administration systems and procedures of both stove and agroforestry components of the budget of FuWoBa Project fully complying with ICEED, Oxfam and EU requirements
Responsible for verification of expenditure and implementation of corresponding payments and recoveries after their authorization by the Project Manager
Keeps all financial records and transactions relating to the FuWoBa Project in the state in accordance with EDF, Oxfam Novib and ICEED procedures and submit timely replenishment requests and reports
Prepares monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports/statements for the project in the state in line with standard accounting principles-including budget tracking and preparation of budget variance analysis
Prepares cash flow statement and cash forecasts for the project as and when needed
Liaises with the Administrative Officer (Procurement) and Finance and Support Manager in Abuja
Others are:
liaise with auditors and provide them with required information, during field work of project audits
Monthly bank reconciliation for the project
· Any other tasks as assigned within the Programme team
– University degree in finance and administration or accounting
– 5 years of relevant work experience in project administration, preferably for an EU project
– Knowledge of financial and administrative systems
– Proven experience in systems design and set ups & improvement, internal audits
– Good command of Excel, Word and other Office tools
– Strong team working competences
– Proven ability to communicate with a wide range of actors (from local partners to local administration and tax officers)
– Excellent communications skills in English
The Cashier is responsible for cash management of Katsina office of Fuel Wood Balance (FuWoBa) Project of Oxfam in Nigeria. Also the cashier will serve as the front desk officer/receptionist for the office. The Cashier reports to the Financial Administrator .
Main tasks
· Responsible for the cash management of both Wood stoves and Agro-forestry components of the project budget
· Responsible for verification of cash expenditure and implementation of corresponding payments and recoveries after their authorization by the Project Manager
· Keeps petty cash records and transactions relating to the FuWoBa Project in the state in accordance with EDF, Oxfam Novib and ICEED procedures and submit timely replenishment requests and reports
· Receive visitors by greeting, welcoming, and directing them appropriately; notifies company personnel of visitor arrival.
· Monitoring logbook; issuing visitor badges.
· Maintains safe and clean reception area by complying with procedures, rules, and regulations.
· Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed
· Any other tasks as assigned within the Programme team
– Minimum of WAEC or Ordinary National Diploma (OND) in finance and administration
– Relevant experience in project administration preferably on an EU project
– Proven computer skills in Microsoft Excel and Word
– Good interpersonal skills
– Good verbal communication skills in English
Administrative Support Staff
Main Tasks:
· Setup Katsina FuWoBa Project financial administration systems and procedures both for the Wood stoves and Agro-forestry components, fully complying with ICEED, Oxfam and EU requirements, including procurements, expenditure, reporting, etc.
· Set up and maintain an office management system with efficient filing and retrieval systems such as transport, salary administration, project activities financing, etc.
· Ensure timely submission of periodic technical and financial reports to the PM and Coordinate periodic reporting
· Coordinate Logistical / financial support to implementing NGOs; build capacity on administrative reporting
· Provide support during audits and all compliance related visits including ensuring follow up and implementation of Corrective Action Plans;
· Provide other services as may be delegated by the Programme Manager such as contributions to the Implementation Manual, M&E procedures, interim management, etc.
This position reports to the Financial Administrator
– University degree in the Social Sciences
– At least 3 years experience in project administration, preferably for an EU project
– Experience in supporting innovative projects such as SME development
– Experience in administrative capacity building of NGOs, CBOs
– Understands and supports project principles
– Good inter-personal skills
Administrative Support Staff – Procurement
The Administrative Support staff (Procurement) is responsible for the procurement functions of the Katsina office in the Improving Fuel Wood Balance (FuWoBa) Project. Also he ensures the compliance of procurement procedures with the standards as set by Oxfam (Novib) ICEED and European Union. The Administrative Support staff (Procurement) reports to the Project Manager and is expected to provide support working closely with Finance and Support Manager Oxfam in Nigeria Country Office to deliver goods and services envisaged in the project effectively, efficiently and transparent
Main tasks
Responsible for the procurement functions of both stove and agroforestry components of the budget of FuWoBa Project
Assists the Project Manager to prepare contracts for various transactions within the project according to Oxfam (Novib) ICEED and European Union procedures
Establish and maintain an inventory of PMU equipment and furniture
Liaises with the Financial Administator and the Finance and Support Manager in Abuja
Ensure good record keeping of all contracts concluded by the PMU.
§ Any other tasks as assigned within the Programme team
Minimum of university degree
Minimum 3 years experience in project procurement and logistics, especially understanding of EU procurement processes
Good command of Excel, Word and other Office tools
Strong team working competences
Proven experience in managing projects funded by international/external donors especially the EU.
Project Advisor -:
· Review existing Agro-forestry interventions in the project area and help develop a project strategy that is consistent with Oxfam understanding of Agro-forestry.
· Provide appropriate technical advice, on the development and implementation of the Agro-forestry programme .
· Conduct Agro-forestry market assessments and opportunities for value chain development and NTP diversification suitable to market demands.
· Explore linkages with existing project credit arrangement and other micro finance sector in the region.
· Provide timely and proper technical input and advice to project officers and other technical officers on implementation of activities that help support Agro-forestry value addition.
· Work with the project team to stage Agro-forestry promotion campaigns with FWR stove / Agro-forestry system / target group combination. Also Develop campaign message and stage awareness campaigns to make people understand fuel wood balance issues; e.g., set up text message service tailored to different target groups
· Contribute to donor relationship management
· Any other tasks as assigned within the Programme team
These positions report to the Programme Officer Agro-forestry.
– University degree in Forestry or the Social Sciences,
– Minimum 3 years experience in project management and delivery, especially Agro-forestry projects
– Good command of Excel, Word and other Office tools
– Strong team working competences
– Proven experience in managing projects funded by international/external donors
– Excellent communications skills in English
Project Officer :
· Develop work plans towards supporting partner NGOs
· Review approved work plans in the project and helps develop a project strategy that is consistent with Oxfam understanding of Agro-forestry.
· Provide appropriate technical support to the PMU on the implementation of the Agro-forestry programme.
· Provide technical and institutional support to beneficiaries on advocacy issues.
· Facilitate partnerships between the target communities and supporting NGOs as well as service providers such as technical institutions, producer and marketing institutions/agencies.
· Conduct in collaboration with the project team, NGOs and beneficiaries market assessments and opportunities for value chain development and NTP diversification suitable to market demands.
· Explore linkages with existing project credit arrangement and other micro finance sector in the region.
· Work with the project team to stage Agro-forestry promotion campaigns with FWR stove / Agro-forestry system / target group combination. Also develop campaign message and stage awareness campaigns to make people understand fuel wood balance issues; e.g., set up text message service tailored to different target groups
· Provide timely and proper technical input and advice as required on implementation of activities that help support Agro-forestry value addition.
· Submits monthly and quarterly reports of field activities
· Any other tasks as assigned within the Programme team
These positions report to the Programme Officers Agro-forestry
– University degree in Agro-forestry or any of the Social Sciences
– Minimum 3 years experience in project management
– Good understanding of Agro-forestry issues
– Understanding of community engagement, mobilization
– Good command of Excel, Word and other Office tools
– Strong team working competences
– Proven experience in managing projects funded by international/external donors
– Excellent communications skills in English
How to Apply:
Applications and Curriculum Vitae should be sent to [email protected]
Not later than November 4, 2014.
Enquiries should be sent to [email protected] Applications sent to the enquiry e-mail will be disqualified.
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