Internship Program for Ghanaian University Students at CDD-Ghana
Internship Program for Ghanaian University Students
The Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) is pleased to announce its Democracy and Governance Internship Program for Ghanaian university students.
To offer opportunities for three promising undergraduate and post-graduate students to develop an interest and skills in research, analysis and advocacy in Ghanaian/African democratic development and good governance in our Tamale and Accra offices.
Prospective level 300 and 400 undergraduate and post-graduate students majoring in social sciences, humanities and law in any Ghanaian public university.
A maximum period of ten (10) weeks (15th June to 15 August).
A monthly stipend of two hundred and fifty (GH¢250) Ghana Cedis.
Application Procedure:
• Write to the Head of Programs, with a CV stating at least your program of study, level, most recent Grade Point Average (GPA) and any research experience you have.
• Indicate your interest in issues of Ghanaian/African economic or democratic development or good governance.
• Applications must be accompanied by a word-processed essay (1,200 words) presenting your views on the topic: “Recent elections and political developments in Africa have helped to weaken the case for democracy on the continent. Do you agree?”
• Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
Application Deadline:
Applications must reach the Center by the 23rd of May 2011, through direct posting; email or hand delivery.
Envelopes must be clearly marked: Democracy and Governance Internship Placement
[email protected]
Office Location:
No. 95 Nortei Ababio
Loop, North Airport
Residential Area, Accra
Direct Posting to:
The Ghana Center for Democratic
Development (CDD-Ghana)
P.O. Box LG 404, Legon-Accra.

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