Innovations for poverty Action Current Recruitment in West Africa

Innovations for poverty Action,Our theory of change addresses two problems we see in the world, that there is limited evidence on what works to help the poor, and that the evidence that does exist is often unused by those who create and run programs for the poor. This leads to programs that are either ineffective or not as effective as they could be, and often, to wasted money and enduring poverty. Imagine if the trillions of dollars spent on aid in the past fifty years went to programs that had a tangible, cost-effective impact. IPA exists to make this vision a reality. By designing and evaluating potential solutions to global poverty problems and supporting decision-makers to use this evidence, IPA is helping to create better programs and policies, and ultimately, is building a world with more evidence and less poverty.

CLICK on desire job position for job details and to apply

Disseminating Innovative Resources and Technologies (DIRTS) Project Internship
Tamale, Ghana
Escaping Poverty Internship
Tamale, Ghana
Research Coordinator – Disseminating Innovative Resources and Technologies
Tamale, Ghana