Jobs vacancies@PSI,(across Kenya,south africa,Central African Republic,dar es salaam )
Location: Kenya – Nairobi
PSI is one of the largest organizations providing malaria control services and has delivered tens of millions of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) and insecticide retreatment kits and more than 15 million malaria drug treatments. PSI’s Malaria Control Department, based in Nairobi, provides technical assistance to 32 country programs (24 in sub Saharan Africa,) and their host governments on a range of malaria control issues including implementing national scale ITN, malaria treatment programs, and communications campaigns to improve malaria prevention and treatment behavior in the community.
Each PSI country program has a research department with technical capacity and experience to carry out large scale qualitative and quantitative research, monitoring and evaluation with support from regional researchers and a global Research & Metrics Department. For more information, please visit: and
PSI Research & Metrics seeks a research associate/deputy principal investigator to increase the use of population and market evidence in malaria control decision making at field and international levels using quantitative and qualitative research strategies relevant to intervention development, monitoring and evaluation.
The Research Associate/Deputy Principal Investigator will work with PSI’s Principal Investigator for Malaria in setting the standards for study design, continually improving data collection, and assure the accurate presentation of results.
This position will be based in the Malaria Control Department in Nairobi, Kenya and will require extensive travel (about 40% of time) throughout Africa and Asia
research associate, will, under the supervision of the Principal Investigator:
• Develop model study designs and questionnaires for behavioral tracking studies
• Estimate programmatic effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and equity of malaria control interventions using repeated cross sectional, control group, and experimental designs
• Develop tools for monitoring impact of malaria control activities on disease indicators using internal and external data sources
• Improve the measurement of the determinants of malaria control behaviors, using multi-item scales and exposure to relevant intervention components
• Develop and apply qualitative techniques to develop multi-item scales, design intervention concepts, and pre-test communications
• Develop model study designs to monitor the market for malaria control products and services using geographic information systems and other techniques that measure service delivery coverage and quality
• Develop model logical frameworks for malaria interventions
• Provide technical assistance to all PSI stakeholders as requested
Post-graduate degree in public health, tropical medicine, entomology, parasitology, behavioral sciences, population studies, or a related field
Two to three years of professional experience in the following areas:
• Design, analysis, dissemination, and management of behavioral research pertaining to public health interventions in developing countries
• Management of multiple studies and teams in different countries
• Design and implementation of operations research and population-based surveys
• Specific methodologies and analyses which may include: behavioral studies, multivariate analysis, GIS, tracking surveys, mapping studies, multi-item scaling
• Experience in malaria or other infectious diseases
• Extensive knowledge of a statistical analysis program (SPSS or STATA)
• Experience designing different types of qualitative and quantitative studies
• Ability to train, manage, and develop capacity with regional and country-level staff
• Strong analysis and written and verbal communication skills
• Ability to work with decision makers to generate actionable research
• Excellent interpersonal skills
• Proficiency in French is desirable
Preference will be given to candidates with work experience in low and middle income countries, knowledge of public health issues, especially malaria, and familiarity with the international donor development community (USAID, DFID, KFW, etc.).
to apply
calls or emails, please.PSI is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from qualified individuals regardless of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or disability.
Closing date: 08 Jun 2009
Location: South Africa
Main tasks and responsibilities of the position
S/he will be responsible for activities in the following 6 main areas:Recruitment, training, support and professional development:
- Supporting the recruitment and induction processes for NPOs in field offices inESA.
- Assisting in organising training for UNESCO field staff working on HIV and AIDS.
- Providing and/or organising technical support and mentoring for UNESCO fieldstaff working on HIV and AIDS.
- Providing support for HIV programming at regional level.
Programme and technical support
- Supporting the development of promising HIV work undertaken by UNESCO inESA, especially the work in the area of teacher preparation and protection.
- Supporting the promotion of the guidelines on education on sex, relationshipsand HIV/STI, developed by UNESCO with UNFPA and other partners, in ESA.
- Assisting in developing and supporting the implementation of a workablemonitoring and evaluation framework and practices for the education sectorresponse to HIV and AIDS, and ensuring timely country contributions to regularand UBW and other extrabudgetary reporting requirements.
- Supporting the strategic planning for UNESCO engagement in HIV programmingin ESA.
- Identifying opportunities for UNESCO, and planning for in-house capacity buildingas necessary to take advantage of these opportunities.
- Assisting in developing action plans and concrete mechanisms of collaborationwith the Regional Economic Communities, such as SADC and the EAC
Representation and partner relations:
- Participating in appropriate regional forums and inter-agency meetings andthematic groupings as required
- Strengthening UNESCO’s role in the Regional AIDS Team for East and SouthernAfrica (RATESA), particularly in the prevention working group.
- Supporting increased participation by UNESCO field colleagues in UN countryteams and other national development processes.
Resource mobilization:
- Identifying funding opportunities and supporting proposal development
- Liaising with UNESCO structures, including the HIV coordination function in theSection on HIV and AIDS at UNESCO HQ; regional, cluster and field offices andinstitutes; HIV and AIDS Focal Points in East and Southern Africa.
- Liaising with other partners as necessary for the planning and implementation ofjoint programmes.
- Advanced university degree (Masters) in a relevant field.
Professional experience
- 4-7 years of relevant post qualification experience
The competencies required include:
- Strong experience and understanding of the region and solid developmentunderstanding
- Extensive professional knowledge and experience in HIV, with particular expertise inUNESCO’s key leadership and main partner responsibilities within the
of labour and familiarity with UNAIDS
- Excellent organizational, networking and partnership building skills , tact anddiscretion
- Experience in joint programming
- Experience in monitoring and evaluation
- A track record in resource mobilization and ability to manage budgets and report onimplementation
- Strong strategic, analytical skills
- Good communication skills, including writing skillsIn terms of personality, the post requires maturity, excellent interpersonal skills, tact anddiplomacy, ability to multi-task, prioritise and deliver to deadline, as well as work underpressure.
A key requirement is credibility and confidence, with strong representational and partnershipbuilding skills at country and regional levels, and with a wide range of partners (includingministries of education, UNAIDS and cosponsors, donors, civil society).
Language skills
- Fluency (oral and written) in French and English. Fluency in other regional languages wouldbe an advantage.
- Applications from people living with HIV are particularly welcome.
How to apply
To apply, please submit CV, a cover letter supporting your application, specifying which post you are applying for, and the names and contact details for three referees, to Nuria Chat [email protected]
Closing date: 11 May 2009
Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist Category: NGO, Community/Social Devt & Fundraising
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Employment Type: Contract/Temporary
United Nations Tanzania Description:
• Support the UNCT and the RBM Working Group in the implementation of the “One UN” programme M&E Framework and tools.
• Provide support and guidance to all Joint Programme Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation activities, and training on specific PM&E and RBM issues to Participating Agencies.
• Assists the UNCT and JP WGs in coordinating the PM&E of UN Joint Programmes through participating in the evaluation of Joint UN programmes and the regular monitoring and reporting on the progress of ONE UN PROGRAMME.
• Work closely with other UN working groups (Communication group, Inter Agency Gender Group, Human Rights, Interagency Programme Committee) to provide PM&E guidance and Ensure sound UNCMT contribution to the National PM&E Systems through RBM WGRequirements:
• Master’s Degree in Economics, Social Sciences, or related field. At least seven (7) years of professional development related work experience at the national or international level. Experience primarily related to senior levels of programme management or the management of complex national level M&E frameworks and/or strategic plans.
• Strong understanding of Results Based Management (RBM) principles and Human Rights-based Approach to Programming, understanding of Participatory approaches, Design and Management of Evaluation processes including with multiple stakeholders, project/programme/policy planning, monitoring and management, understanding of gender considerations, Quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis skills.
• Understanding of the role of civil society/NGOs in the development process, ability to lead implementation of UN programme activities and strengthen Strategic Partnerships for ONE UN PROGRAM implementation.
Commitment to principles and mandate of UNDP. Strong Writing Skills and Fluency in English essential, knowledge of National Language is an advantage.
Type of Contract:
SSA Duration: 6 months Consideration level: Pegged to NOD/P4Mode of
Application:Qualified/interested persons should forward applications with currently written CVs, Certificates and Testimonials.
The Post Title should be indicated on the envelope Development Support Services UnitUnited Nations Tanzania
Web Address :
Development Support Services Unit
P.O. Box 9182,
Dar es Salaam
A. OSIENALA (Friends of Lake Victoria) with financial support from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) is inviting applications for postgraduate scholarships at a masters degree level in the following areas:
Environmental Studies (natural resource management, sustainable development and related issues).
Community Development (civil society organization management, community based project management and related issues).
Renewable Energy Technologies (solar energy, wind energy, co-generation, biofuels and related issues).
Applicants for the support at this level must have proof of admission into any of the public universities in Kenya, Uganda or Tanzania together with details of fees payable in respect of the course to be undertaken.
B. Some scholarships are also available to citizens of East Africa who wish to undertake short courses of not more than 12 months duration in any recognized institutions in the region.
The short courses should also be in the same fields of study as mentioned above.
Applicants who wish to pursue studies in business administration, information technology and environmental journalism will also be considered.
Application letters for any of these scholarships should include:detailed current curriculum vitae,admission letter,fee structure,copies of relevant certificates,names and contacts of three referees.
The applications should be submitted to the following postal or email address by 30th May, 2009.
Executive DirectorOSIENALA (Friends of Lake Victoria)
Lake Victoria Centre for Research and Development Dunga Beach,
P.O. Box 4580- 40103
Email: osienala @
ICDI exists to EMPOWER Central Africans to give hope to the poor through sustainable community development.
Location: Central African Republic
Integrated Community Development International (ICDI), a non-profit organization, is driven with passion to empower Central Africans to give hope to the poor.
We want them to live well and long, which is why we are tackling the toughest issues they face in rural village settings.
We are providing clean water, teaching them effective agriculture techniques, helping them stand against AIDS, offering orphans a life, and investing in families through small-sized, short-term loans so they can live with dignity.
We believe that given the right resources and training Africans themselves are capable of bringing hope and change to their world.
Title: Director of Water Operations
Scope: Senior Management position with program oversight, staff management and supervision in Africa
Accountability: To CEO, ICDI
Residence: Residence required for ten months per calendar year in Africa
Travel: Significant travel involved (both domestic & international)
Responsible: Program Divisions
Water: Well Drilling, Well Repairs, Well Maintenance
Program Sanitation: LatrinesHealth and Hygiene: WASH-training services
Support Systems: Garage, Warehousing and Inventory
- Incorporates the ICDI Vision and Operating Principles into all aspects of water operations
- Streamlines the water operations and processes to function at the highest possible efficiency within reasonable budget, personnel, and timeline parameters.
This includes management of inventory, purchasing, vehicle maintenance, donor reporting, and all other aspects of water operations.
- Develops training modules to enhance the effectiveness of African personnel in areas of water, sanitation, health and hygiene, and supporting, sustainable systems
- Manages approximately 60 African Personnel, providing direction, accountability, and oversight.
- Participates in Executive Staff telephone or Skype calls upon request by the CEO
- Provides monthly progress updates to the CEO (e.g., Goal completion progress, issues encountered, etc)
Skill Set:
- Training & supervision of African staff
- Attention to detail and managing multiple tasks
- Computer skills- Cultural sensitivity
- French or Sango Speaking (will provide training for each language)
- Managerial skills
- People skills
- Technical & mechanical expertise & experience with water well-drilling operations
- Full-Time position
- Compensation commensurate with experience
- Health Care Benefits
How to apply
Position Status and Contact Info:
- Starting date contingent upon a qualified candidate’s current availability
- Send resume and cover letter with salary requirements to:
ICDI P.O. Box 247
Winona Lake,
IND 46590 or via email at [email protected]
East Africa Quality in Early Learning (EAQEL) Initiative(Kenya and Uganda)
The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a private, non-denominationa! development agency promoting creative and effective solutions to problems that impede social development.
The Aga Khan Foundation (East Africa) is launching a two-year education initiative in Kenya (Kinango and Kwale Districts) and Uganda (Amolatar and Dokolo districts), called the East Africa Quality in Early Learning (EAQEL) initiative.
AKF is seeking qualified candidates to fill the following 25 positions which are focused on interventions in the teaching of reading and numeracy in the lower primary grades (1-3).
1. Country Coordinators(2 positions: 1 for Kenya, 1 for Uganda)(Ref: EAQEL
01)The Country Coordinators are responsible for leading an intensive programme to significantly improve literacy and numeracy learning outcomes for children in early grades of primary.
The Country Coordinators, based in Mombasa and Kampala, will serve as the Team Leaders and will be responsible for the project’s success at country level.
Specific responsibilities include:
Oversight and overall coordination all project activities within respective countries
Project quality, effectiveness and sustainability
Supervision of the implementation process
Development and maintenance of government relations and participation in relevant policy discussions.
Supervision of the project team
The ideal candidates will have:
A Master’s degree in Education or its equivalent;
5 years experience managing education programmes either in government or non-governmental organisation with preference given to those with experience in a supervisory capacity, managing a diverse team in an intense, results-oriented environment
Proven familiarity with a variety of approaches to improving literacy and numeracy
Professional contacts with key institutions active in the education sector at country level, including Ministries of Education, curriculum centres and National assessment centres
Proven familiarity with early primary school curriculum
Knowledge of Kenya/Uganda education policies and practices
Experience in grant management.
2. Project Officers(12 positions: 3 for Kwale, 3 for Kinango, 3 for Amolatar and 3 for Dokolo)
02)The Project Officers report to the Country Coordinators and are responsible for providing field-based technical input to the pedagogical intervention.
Specific responsibilities include:
Facilitating trainings of target groups in the districts in their geographic areas
Initiating, developing and maintaining relationships with target schools, teachers and communities, and district-level stakeholders
Ensuring all activities are being implemented according to work plans
Carrying out post-training assessments and developing continuous coaching plans with head teachers and government staff.
Providing data and information for reports and internal and external analysis.
The ideal candidates will have:
A Bachelor’s degree in education or its equivalent
Proven facilitation and mobilisation skills including working with teachers
Knowledge of the early years curriculum, especially teaching of reading and numeracy
Ability to work in a team and a results orientation
At least 5 year experience in working in areas of teaching and learning
Knowledge of Kiswahili (Kenya) or Luo (Uganda) will be an added advantage
3. Regional Communications Officer(1 position based in Mombasa)(Ref: EAQEL03)
Responsible for project reporting and documenting all aspects of the project
Managing project information relating to efficiency and sustainability of interventions
Creating a range of communication materials for dissemination
Working with the M&E Officers to ensure that M&E data and analysis are used to improve program quality and inform programmatic decisions
The ideal candidate will have:
A Master’s degree in communication or a related field
Proven experience in donor reporting
An understanding of education policies and practices in East Africa
Excellent writing and editing skills
Experience of at least 5 years in a similar position
4. Monitoring and Evaluation Officers(2 positions: 1 for Kenya, 1 for Uganda)(Ref: EAQEL04)
The Monitoring and Evaluation Officers, based in Mombasa and Kampala, are responsible for measuring the outputs, outcomes and impact of project interventions.
Specific responsibilities include:
Monitoring of country-level activities
Evaluating the achievement of project outcomes, using agreed indicators, at country level
Analysis of project results in relation to activities and inputs
Providing continuous feedback at county level and to project staff on progress, results and challenges
Analysis of project effectiveness and sustainability
Data collection, maintenance and analysis
The ideal candidates will have:
A Master’s degree in M&E or a related field;
5-7 years field experience in monitoring and evaluating education projects;
Proven experience in capacity building in core M&E topics.
5. Accountants (2 positions: 1 for Kenya and 1 for Uganda(Ref: EAQEL05)
The Accountants, based in Mombasa and Kampala, are responsible for the financial management of the intervention
Specific responsibilities include:
Maintaining an accurate financial recording system to record and reconcile transactions (i.e., cash, cheque, bank transfers)
Providing regular financial reports to AKF Finance Officers
Ensuring financial compliance of the project in accordance with the approved budget
Managing cash flow and release of funds
Managing the day-to-day banking and investment transactions
Preparing required documents for financial and governmental audits and ensuring statutory compliance
The ideal candidates will have:
A B.Com and a CPA or equivalent qualification;
5-7 years experience as a field-based accountant for a non-governmental organisation or an international development agency;
Proven experience in project budgeting, financial reporting and budget monitoring;
Familiarity with an ERP.
Expertise in iScala would be an added advantage.
6. Administrative Assistants(2 positions: 1 for Kenya, 1 for Uganda)(Ref: EAQEL06)
The Administrative Assistants, based in Mombasa and Kampala, are responsible for all administrative duties related to the implementation of the project.
ideal candidates will have:
Certified clerical training
3-5 years experience working as a field-based administrative assistant.
Experience for working in a non-governmental organisation will be an added advantage.
7. Drivers (2 positions: 1 for Kenya, 1 for Uganda)(Ref: EAQEL07)
The Drivers, based in Mombasa and Kampala, will be responsible for driving project vehicles.
The ideal candidate will have:
A valid Driver’s License
Proven experience driving manual double-cabin pick-ups in rough terrain;
3-5 years experience driving vehicles. Experience for working in a non-governmental organisation will be an added advantage.
Advanced Driving Certificate from the National Institute of Transport is an advantage.
8. Cleaners/Messengers (2 positions: 1 for Kenya, 1 for Uganda)(Ref: EAQEL08)
The Cleaners/Messengers, based in Mombasa and Kampala, will be responsible for office cleaning and administrative tasks.
The ideal candidate will have:
2-3 years experience as a cleaner/messenger.
Experience working in a non-governmental organisation will be an added advantage.
All technical positions are expected to have the following aptitudes:
Demonstrated initiative and attention to detail;
Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Kiswahili;
Excellent computer skills and high familiarity with Microsoft software;
Ability to function effectively within and outside the office in a cross-cultural, inter-disciplinary environment, including the ability to meet multiple demands and deadlines with a positive and constructive attitude under minimal supervision.
Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and CV, along with the names and contact information of three referees (at least two of which must be professional) before the close of business on Friday, 15 May 2009, to the Aga Khan Foundation (East Africa), by e-mail to akf.east-africa @ or by mail to P.O Box 40898, 00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
Please quote the appropriate reference number in the e-mail subject line or on the application envelope.
Applications which do not include a reference number will NOT be considered.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
Job Title : Internal Auditor
Source : The Guardian, April 14, 2009
Requirements : CPA or the equivalent, with a bachelor’s degree in accounting and a post qualification in either accounting or auditing
Job Description :Review audit policies and recommended improvements to management
Apply To : Executive Director
Full Address : Economic and Social Research Foundation,
P.O. Box 31226,
Dar es Salaam
Email Applications: [email protected]
Closing Date : 15/May/2009
Job Title : Senior Researchers – 3 Posts
Source : The Guardian, April 14, 2009
Requirements : Holder of a PhD in economics/trade and regional integration/public sector economics/transport economics/sociology/economics and sociology/labour economics
Job Description :Undertakes researh on topicss related to key thematic areas as defined by MKUKUTA, which includes but not limited to economic growth, poverty reduction, social protection, employment, environment, trade and regional integration
Apply To : Executive Director
Full Address : Economic and Social Research Foundation,
P.O. Box 31226,
Dar es Salaam
Email Applications: [email protected]
Closing Date : 15/May/2009

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