Council for the Regulation of Freight Forwarding in Nigeria Jobs: Zonal Assistant Registrar
The Council for the Regulation of Freight Forwarding in Nigeria(CRFFN) ACT NO. 16 of 2007 was enacted into law on 30th of April, 2007,the council was formally inaugurated on 18th of August,2008 and
became operational since then.
CRFFN is charged with, amongst other responsibilities,regulating and controlling the practice of freight forwarding, and promoting the highest standard of competence,practice and conduct among members of the profession.
CRFFN is also charged with the responsibility of determining the standards of knowledge and skill to be attained by persons seeking to be registered as freight farwarders (in Nigeria) and raising those standards from time to time in accordance with international.
The Council hereby announces in the following professional positions:
1. Zonal Assistant Registrar
Location: PortHarcourt
Reporting to the Registrar/CEO, he/she will be responsible for the day to day running of the Zonal office in implementing all policies of the Council towards attaining the set goals objectives as contained in CRFFN Act 16 of 2007, and any other duties that may be assigned from time to time.
Minimum of a Bachelors degree or HND in Transport Management Studies
15 Years Experience in Freight Forwarding or related field is compulsory.
Management and Administrative experience is a key.
Post -Graduate qualifications in Transport Management from a recognized government institution,business/finance or management such as an MBA will be an added advantage.
Professional membership of a recognized Transport Professional body.
Must have strong Communication Skills.
How to Apply
Send your resume within two weeks of this publication to [email protected]
Only shorlisted applicants will be contacted

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