United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) Recruits Manager
The Common Facility Centre (CFC) for leather and garment is a project of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) established with other stakeholders for the development of leather
and garment clusters in Aba, Abia State, The project aims at developing the capacity of leather and garment entrepreneurs through training and provision of common facilities for production. In addition to this, the CFC engages in production of leather and garment products to enhance its sustainability.
We now need the services of a Manager to drive the CFC and run it sustainably. Under the supervision of UNIDO Regional Office, Abuja, the CFC Manager shall implement the decisions of the Board of Trustees of the CFC. The ultimate is for the Manager to run the CFC by balancing between the objectives for which it was set up and guarantee its sustainability.
In specific terms, the CFC Manager under a performance contract With the Board of Trustees shall run the Centre through market principles by carrying out the following activities, among others:
i. Take full charge of overall management of the CFC to make it deliver on the objectives of capacity building for entrepreneurs and commercial production as production centre;
ii, Come up with an annual work plan (for both leather and garment) for the approval of the Board of Trustees;
iii, Implement the approved work plan demonstrating innovation, skill, passion and diligence in pursuit of the vision of the CFC. The Manager must ensure work discipline and health and safely of employees;
iv. Serve as the driving force of the CFC and share its vision with all staff and the entrepreneurs in the clusters;
v. Undertake periodic analysis of consumers’ preferences (in leather and garment) while producing to meet demand from local and foreign markets;
vi. Market the CFC, develop new products and produce high quality and competitive products;
vii. Undertake procurement of raw materials needed for production and in consultation with the Board of Trustees procure capital equipment needed for expansion and maintenance of the CFC;
viii. Prepare quarterly report to the Board of Trustees and a weekly report to UNIDO Regional Office, Abuja on the activities of the CFC;
Ix. Draw up job description for the employees of the Centre, set targets (weekly, monthly or annual as appropriate) for
them and carry out performance evaluation of each staff;
x.Make each staff member sign a performance contract with the CFC to guide their conduct and operations; Minimum
Qualifications Required
A minimum of first degree from a reputable university or a higher diploma in engineering. social sciences or administration. Previous background of working in the footwear industry and/or textile and garment will be a considerable advantage. In addition, the post is reserved for a candidate with demonstrable passion, commitment and diligence.
Salary will be fixed based on qualification and previous experience but negotiable at interview. How to Apply
Interested candidates should send their application letters and curriculum vitae to [email protected] not later than 8th April 2010
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) Vacancy for CFC Manager

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