USAID Internships in Africa and Washington, D.C
Summer, 2011
USAID’s Africa Bureau expects to have a limited number of Summer 2011 internships available in a few of our overseas missions in sub-Saharan Africa as well as in Washington, D.C. This is an excellent opportunity for outstanding students interested in pursuing careers in international development. Please follow the application procedures closely.
Timeline for the process:
February 1: On-line application module will be officially launched. Please note that applications will not be accepted before the launch.
March 15: Closing date for applications
Mid-April: Students will be notified of USAID decisions.
Selection criteria:
Students must be American citizens.
Students must be juniors, seniors, or graduate students. Student status will be verified by USAID.
Students should inform their university’s office of international programs or the equivalent that they are applying for an internship. It is in the interest of the student that the university be aware of the application.
Application requirements for both Africa and Washington are:
a letter of interest;
a 1-page essay (statement of intent) outlining his/her particular strengths; discussing what development issues interest them; and explaining their expectations for the internship;
two letters of recommendation from faculty (employers are also acceptable); and
additional information that is required by the on-line application form.
Reminder: students must submit their letters of recommendation separately. Email letters of recommendation should be sent to [email protected] with the student’s name in the subject line of the email. Faculty members who prefer to send hard copies may mail them to this address:
Dana Ott, Director
Office of Development Planning
Bureau for Africa, RRB 4.08-044
U.S. Agency for International Development
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20523-4801
Applications will be accepted from February 1 to March 15, 2011. The application web site will be taken off-line March 16. Letters of recommendation will be accepted until March 31. Students will be notified of decisions by mid-April.
Any technical problems with using the application module should be directed to [email protected]. All other correspondence regarding the intern program for the Africa Bureau should be directed to [email protected].

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