Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for various vacant positions in the university
* Academic Staff Vacancies
Vacancies: Academic Staff
For details of vacant positions, click on the college and department.
College of Agric. Management, Rural Devt and Consumer Studies (COLAMRUCS)
Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management
Professor, Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer II (Specialization in Economics or Applied Economics, Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Economics or Business Management
Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
Professor, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, (Agricultural Communication/Agricultural Extension/Agricultural Administration)
Department of Agricultural Administration
Professor, Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Agricultural Extension/Agricultural Administration; Personnel Management with background in Agriculture; Personnel Psychology with background in Agriculture; Agrarian Law with background in Agriculture)
Department of Food Science and Technology
Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Junior Research Fellow (Specialization in Food Quality Control and Assurance or Food Microbiology and Biotechnology, Food Processing and Storage Technology, Food Chemistry and Analysis or Food Products Utilization)
Department of Home Science and Management
Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer II, (Home Science Extension, Home Management/Economics, Interior Decoration, Child Management)
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, (Dietetics, Clinical Nutrition or Community Nutrition)
Department of General Studies
Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II. (English/Linguistics/Mass Communication, Sociology, Political Science)
Department of Food Service and Tourism
Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, (Home Economics with Science background, Food and Nutrition or Food Business Managemnt and Tourism)
College Of Animal Science And Livestock Production (COLANIM)
Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Quatitative Genetics & Animal Breeding, Biostatistics, Molecular Genetics or Biotechnology)
Department of Animal Nutrition
Lecturer II (Ruminant Nutrition)
Department of Animal Production and Health
Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Livestock Production Systems or Meat Science)
Department of Pasture and Range Management
Lecturer II (Pasture Agronomy or Forage Utilization)
Department of Animal Physiology
Lecturer I (Embryo Transfer/Oocyte Culture; Physiology of growth/Stem cell research)
College of Plant Science and Crop Production (COLPLANT)
Department of Crop Protection
Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Bacteriology, Entomology, Nematology or Vertebrate Pests).
Department of Horticulture
Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Landscape Architecture, Post-Harvest Technology, Biotechnology, Olericulture, Floriculture or Pomology).
Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Plant Breeding, Seed Technology or Biotechnology). Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Livestock Production Systems or Meat Science)
Department of Plant Physiology and Crop Protection
Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Weed Science, Crop Production, Crop Physiology or Cropping System)
Department of Soil Science and Land Management
Professor, Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Pedology, Soil Chemistry or Soil Microbiology)
College of Environmental Resources Management (COLERM)
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
Lecturer I (Aquatic Ecotoxicology); Lecturer II (Fish Nutrition, Fisheries Economics, Gear Technology).
Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology
Lecturer I (Environmental Management); Lecturer II (Biometrics, Environmental/Analytical Chemistry or Environmental Management)
Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management
Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Forest Systematic/Taxonomy; Forest Biometrics; Wildlife Management – Park Interpretation and Extension, Natural History of Mammals; Wood Science – Forest Operation, Pulp and Paper).
Department of Water Resources Management and Agricultural Meteorology
Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Climatology/Meteorology/Agroclimatology/Agrometeorology/Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Agrohydrology or Water Resources)
College Of Natural Sciences (COLNAS)
Department of Biochemistry
Senior Lecturer (Molecular Biology/Enzymology); Lecturer I (Molecular Biology/Enzymology/Lipid Biochemistry); Lecturer II (Lipid Biochemistry/Enzymology/Nutritional Biochemistry/Bioenergetics).
Department of Biological Sciences
Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Entomology, Animal Genetics, Animal Ecology, Animal Physiology, Plant Ecology, Plant Genetics, Plant Taxonomy/Systematics, Algology and Bryology).
Department of Chemistry
Lecturer I (Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry); Lecturer II (Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry)
Department of Computer Science
Lecturer I (Computer Science); Lecturer II (Computer Science)
Department of Mathematics
Lecturer I (Algebra, Analysis Functional or Complex or any area of Applied Mathematics), Lecturer II (Differential Equation, Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Analysis and Algebra)
Department of Physics
Lecturer II (Any area of Physics).
Department of Statistics
Lecturer I (Probability and Measure, Theory/Time Series); Lecturer II (Biostatistics/Decision Theory.
College of Veterinary Medicine (COLVET)
Department of Veterinary Anatomy
Professor, Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I.
Department of Veterinary Biochemistry
Lecturer I, Lecturer II.
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Senior Lecturer (Preventive Medicine), Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Surgery).
Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology
Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Veterinary Microbiology); Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Veterinary Parasitology)
Department of Veterinary Pathology
Lecturer II
Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology
Lecturer I, Lecturer II
Department of Veterinary Public Health and Reproduction
Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Public Health)
College Of Engineering (COLENG)
Department of Civil Engineering
Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Highway Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Geothechnical Engineering or Structural Engineering)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II (Power and Machines; Telecommunications Engineering; Control Engineering)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer II (Energy/Thermofluids)
‘Nimbe Adedipe Library
Principal Librarian, Senior Librarian, Librarian II, Archivist II
Ph.D. Degree with specialization in the specifically indicated discipline of concentration. Evidence of academic leadership in terms of publication, project design, execution and monitoring model development, administrative leadership etc. At least 12 years of post qualification/full time cognate teaching and research experience. For Academic positions in the College of Veterinary Medicine, candidates must possess DVM and Ph.D. degrees in the relevant field, and must have acquired cognate teaching experience for the position of Senior Lecturer or Reader. He/she must have published in reputable journals, be able to provide academic leadership and be registered with the Veterinary Council of Nigeria.
Salary Grade: CONUASS 07 (N2,485,099.00 – N3,209,140.00) per annum
Same as for Professorship, but with at least 10 years of post-qualification, full-time cognate teaching and research experience.
Salary Grade: CONUASS 06 (N2,053,124.00 – N2,684,096.00) per annum
Senior Lecturer
Same as for Professorship, but with at least 7 years of post-qualification, full time, cognate teaching and research experience.
Salary Grade: CONUASS 05 (N1,653,415.00 – N2,348,299.00) per annum
Lecturer I
Ph.D. from a reputable University, with a minimum of 3 years post-qualification work experience in a University/Research Institute and with evidence of scholarly publications.
Salary Grade: CONUASS 04 (N1,122,751.00 – N1,444,535.00) per annum
Lecturer II
Candidates must possess a Ph.D. Degree in the indicated discipline.
Salary Grade: CONUASS 03 (N897,501.00 – N1,074,314.00) per annum
Principal Librarian
Candidates must possess a good degree, preferably in the Sciences and Master of Library Science (MLS) with not less than eight ( years post-qualification experience in University Library work. Candidates must also show evidence of computer literacy and exposure to work in an automated library environment. Evidence of commensurate research and publication output must also be shown.
Salary Grade: CONUASS 05 (N1,653,415.00 – N2,348,299.00) per annum
Senior Librarian
Candidate must possess a good first degree, preferably in the Sciences and Master of Library Science (MLS) with not less than six years post-qualification experience in University Library work. Candidates must also show evidence of computer literacy and exposure to work in an automated library environment. Evidence of commensurate research and publication output must also be shown.
Salary Grade: CONUASS 03 (N897,501.00 – N1,074,314.00) per annum
Librarian II
Candidates must possess a good first degree, preferably in the sciences, and Master of Library Science (MLS). Evidence of computer literacy must be shown. Experience in library work will be an added advantage. Naijahotjobs.com
Salary Grade: CONUASS 02 (N794,260.00 – N957,402.00) per annum
Archivist II
Candidates must possess a good first degree and Master of Library Science with Archives option. Evidence of computer literacy must be shown. Experience in archives work will be an added advantage.
Salary Grade: CONUASS 02 (N794,260.00 – N957,402.00) per annum
* Senior Non-Teaching Staff Vacancies
Vacancies: Senior Non-Academic Staff
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following vacant positions in the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
Deputy Registrar
Candidates should possess a good honours degree or its equivalent in Social Sciences or Humanities. A higher degree will be an added advantage. In addition, candidates should have a minimum of twelve (12) years relevant post-qualification experience of which at least eight ( years must be in Higher Education Administration. Candidates must have attained the position of Principal Assistant Registrar.
Salary: CONTISS 14 (N1,961,124.00 – N2,521,988.04)
Senior Assistant Registrar
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Social Sciences or Humanities from a recognized University plus at least six (6) years post-qualification experience preferably in University Administration. Possession of higher degree will be an advantage.
Salary: CONTISS 11 (N1,053,750.00 – N1,455,981.00)
Assistant Registrar
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Social Sciences or Humanities from a recognized University plus at least four (4) years post-qualification experience.
Salary: CONTISS 09 (N828,501.96 – N1,182,128.00)
Administrative Officer II
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Social Sciences or Humanities from a recognized University.
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Chief Confidential Secretary
Candidates should possess HND in Secretarial Studies plus 120/50wpm Shorthand and Typewriting with 12 years post-qualification experience. Candidate must have spent a minimum of three (3) years as Assistant Chief Confidential Secretary.
Salary: CONTISS 13 (N1,561,341.00 – N2,024,669.00)
Senior Confidential Secretary
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Secretarial Studies plus 120/50 wpm in Shorthand and typewriting. Candidate must also be computer literate with evidence of word processing skills.Naijahotjobs.com
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
Confidential Secretary I
Candidates should possess HND in Secretarial Studies from a recognized institution or 120/50 wpm in Shorthand and Typewriting with GCE/WASC O/L with at least 4 credits including English Language and must be Computer literate.
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Assistant Director: Pension Matters
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Social Sciences or Humanities from a recognized University with at least nine (9) years relevant post-qualification experience of which at least five (5) years must be in Pension Administration matters in the private or public sector.
Salary: CONTISS 13 (N1,561,341.00 – N2,024,669.00)
Senior Pension Officer
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Social Sciences or Humanities from a recognized University with at least four (4) years post-qualification experience in Pension Administration matters in the private or public sector.
Salary: CONTISS 09 (N828,501.96 – N1,182,128.00)
Pension Officer 1
Candidates should possess a good degree in Social Sciences from a recognized University or HND in Business Studies plus at least three (3) years post-qualification experience in Pension Administration matters in the private or public sector.
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
Pension Officer 2
Candidates should possess a good degree in Social Sciences from a recognized University or HND in Business Studies plus at least three (3) years post-qualification experience in Pension Administration matters in the private or public sector.
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
Vice-Chancellor’s Office
Protocol Officer I
Candidates should possess a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences or Humanities plus at least two (2) years post-qualification experience preferably in a University system.
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
Protocol Officer II
Candidates should possess a good degree in Social Sciences or Humanities from a recognized university
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Principal Passages Officer I
Candidates should possess a B.Sc/HND or its equivalent in the field of Ticketing, Reservation, Tourism and Air Transportation plus six (6) years post-qualification experience
Salary: CONTISS 11 (N1,053,750.00 – N1,455,981.00)
Passages Officer I
Candidates should possess a B.Sc/HND or its equivalent in the field of Ticketing, Reservation, Tourism and Air Transportation plus at least two (2) years post-qualification experience
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
Passages Officer II
Candidates should possess a B.Sc/HND or its equivalent in the field of Ticketing, Reservation, Tourism and Air Transportation
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Student Affairs (Sport Complex)
Deputy Director of Sports
Candidates should possess a good degree in Physical Education with at least twelve (12) years post-qualification experience in coaching and administration of sports. Possession of a higher degree in Sports administration will be an advantage
The salary attached to this position in CONTISS 14 (N1,961,124.00 – 2,521,988.00)
Principal Sports Coach
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Physical Education plus six (6) years post-qualification experience in coaching
Salary: CONTISS 11 (N1,053,750.00 – N1,455,981.00)
Sports Coach I
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Physical Education with two (2) year post-qualification experience in coaching.
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
Sports Coach I
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Physical Education with specific emphasis in any of the following sports: Taekwando, Tennis, Squash, Judo and Handball
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
ICT Resource Centre
Senior Data Analyst
Candidates should possess a good honours degree or equivalent in Computer Science with four (4) years relevant post-qualification experience. In addition the candidate must be able to handle data entry analysis and computation. He/she must also be able to interpret results and must be knowledgeable in system analysis and design.
Salary: CONTISS 09 (N828,501.96 – N1,182,128.00)
System Analyst/Programmer
Candidates should possess a B.Sc or equivalent in any of the following areas: Engineering, Computer Science or Physical Sciences. The candidate must be able to perform routine maintenance of computer system and support in the training of students on computer operations with reasonable knowledge in system analysis and programming.
Salary: CONTISS 07 ((N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Computer Technologist II
Candidates should possess an HND/Final Diploma in Computer Science, Engineering or Physical Sciences. The Candidate must be able to carry out computer trouble shooting and repairs with reasonable knowledge in network configuration and set up.
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Data Analyst II
Candidates should possess a good honours degree or equivalent in Computer Science or relevant field. The Candidate must be able to handle data entry as well as analysis and computation
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
System Analyst/Programmer (Library)
Candidates should possess a B.Sc or HND in any of the following areas: Engineering, Computer Science or Physical Sciences. The candidate must be able to perform routine maintenance of computer system and support in the training of students on computer operations with reasonable knowledge in system analysis and programming
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N828,501.96 – N1,182,128.00)
Library Officer
Candidates should possess a Diploma in Library Studies from a recognized university plus two (2) years post qualification experience preferably in a University
Salary: CONTISS 06 (N389,655.00 – N577,941.00)
Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management
Technologist II
Candidates should possess an HND/Final Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology or related field
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Department of Food Services and Tourism
Senior Technologist
Candidates should possess an HND/Final Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology or relevant field plus four (4) years cognate experience preferably in a University system
Salary: CONTISS 09 (N828,501.96 – N1,182,128.00)
Technologist II
Candidates should possess an HND/Final Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology or related field
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
Technologist II
Candidates should possess an HND/Final Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology or related field
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Health Services
Senior Medical Officer
Candidates should possess an M.B.B.S or M.B.B.C.H and must be registered with the Nigerian Medical Council with a minimum of six (6) years post-qualification experience
Salary: CONTISS 11 (N1,053,750.00 – N1,455,981.00)
Medical Officer
Candidates should possess an M.B.B.S or M.B.B.C.H and must be registered with the Nigerian Medical Council
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
Pharmacist Grade II
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Pharmacy or equivalent and must be registered with the Pharmacy Board of Nigeria.
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Senior Medical Laboratory Technologist
Candidates should possess a final Diploma/B.Sc in Medical Laboratory Science in an approved institution plus Associate registration with Nigeria Institute of Medical Laboratory Science (AIMLS) with at least five (5) years post-qualification experience.
Salary: CONTISS 09 (N828,501.96 – N1,182,128.00)
Medical Records Officer II
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma in Medical Records/Librarianship plus four (4) years minimum experience. The Candidate must be Computer Literate.
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Farm Centre
Candidates should possess a Masters degree in Agriculture or related field and must have had at least fifteen (15) years post-qualification experience in Farm Management preferably in a University System
Salary: CONTISS 15 (N2,393,097.00 – N3,036,689.00)
Deputy Director (Crop)
Candidates should possess a Masters degree in Agriculture or related field specifically in Crop Production and must have had at least twelve (12) years post-qualification experience in Farm Management preferably in a University System.
Salary: CONTISS 14 (N1,961,124.00 – 2,521,988.00)
Deputy Director (Livestock)
Candidates should possess a Masters degree in Agriculture or related field specifically in Livestock Production and must have had at least twelve (12) years post-qualification experience in Farm Management preferably in a University System
Salary: CONTISS 14 (N1,961,124.00 – 2,521,988.00)
Zoological Gardens
Deputy Director
Candidates should possess a Masters degree in any of the following areas: Zoology, Botany, Wildlife or Parks & Gardens plus twelve (12) years post-qualification experience in Zoological or Park administration
Salary: CONTISS 14 (N1,961,124.00 – 2,521,988.00)
Veterinary Officer
Candidates should possess a good degree in Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from a recognized University and must be registered with the Veterinary Council of Nigeria
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
Zoo Administrator
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Zoology or Wildlife/Park Management from a recognized University plus two (2) years post-qualification experience in Zoological or Park Administration.
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
Zoological Superintendent I
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma (HND) Animal Health or Wildlife Management.
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Principal Farm Manager I
Candidates should possess a Masters degree in Agriculture or related field and must have had at least twelve (12) years post-qualification experience in Farm Management preferably in a University System.
Salary: CONTISS 14 (N1,961,124.00 – 2,521,988.00)
Principal Farm Manager
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Agriculture from a reputable University plus ten (10) years post-qualification experience in Farm Management preferably in a University system
Salary: CONTISS 13 (N561,340.00 – 2,004,669.00)
Farm Officer II
Candidates should possess a good degree or its equivalent in Agriculture, Ornamental Horticulture or related discipline plus one year experience in management of a farm.
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897.006.96)
Forestry Superintendent I
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma in Forestry or Agriculture from a recognized institution
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
Fisheries Superintendent I
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Fisheries and Aquaculture from a recognized Polytechnic/Monotechnic
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Department of Forestries and WildLife Management
Forestry Superintendent I
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Forestry from a recognized Polytechnic/Monotechnic. He/she should be able to handle plantation and forest operations.
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Forestry Superintendent (Taxonomy)
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Forest Taxonomy from a recognized Polytechnic/Monotechnic and must be able to identify and classify forest trees and shrubs
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Wood Laboratory Technologist II
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Wood Science from a recognized Polytechnic/Monotechnic
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Department of Soil Science and Land Management
Chief Agricultural Superintendent
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Agriculture from a recognized institution with ten (10) years post-qualification experience in Farm production and Management specifically in a University system
Salary: CONTISS 13 (N561,340.00 – 2,004,669.00)
Teaching Farms (TEFAMAC)
Senior Farm Officer (Crops and Pastures)
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Agriculture from a recognized institution plus four (4) years post-qualification experience in Farm Management
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
Farm Officer II
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Agriculture or its equivalent from a recognized institution plus one (1) year experience in farm management
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Works and Services Department
Director, Works and Services
Candidates should possess a good University degree in Engineering specifically in Civil, Electrical or Mechanical and must be registered with the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN). The candidate must have had at least fourteen (14) years post-qualification experience with minimum of five (5) years in a University system.
Salary: CONTISS 15 (N2,393,097.00 – N3,036,689.00)
Deputy Director, Works and Services
Candidates should possess a good University degree in Engineering specifically in Civil, Electrical or Mechanical and must be registered with the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN). The candidate must have had at least twelve (12) years post-qualification experience preferably in a University system.
Salary: CONTISS 14 (N1,961,124.00 – N2,521,988.00)
Chief Engineer (Mechanical Unit)
Candidates should possess a good University degree in Mechanical Engineering and must be registered with the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN). The candidate must have had at least ten (10) years post-qualification experience preferably in a University system.
Salary: CONTISS 13 (N1,561,413.00 – N2,024,669.00)
Chief Engineer (Civil Unit)
Candidates should possess a good University degree in Civil Engineering and must be registered with the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN). The candidate must have had at least ten (10) years post-qualification experience preferably in a University system.
Salary: CONTISS 13 (N1,561,413.00 – N2,024,669.00)
Senior Engineer (Civil Unit)
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Civil Engineering and must be registered with the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN). The candidate must have had at least four (4) years post-qualification experience preferably in a University System
Salary: CONTISS 09 (N828,501.96 – N1,182,128.00)
Senior Engineer (Mechanical Unit)
Candidates should possess a good University degree in Mechanical Engineering and must be registered with the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN) plus four (4) years post-qualification experience preferably in a University system
Salary: CONTISS 09 (N828,501.96 – N1,182,128.00)
Higher Technical Officer (Mechanical Unit)
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Electrical Engineering from a reputable institution.
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Engineer I
Candidates should possess a good University degree in Engineering specifically in Civil Engineering or equivalent qualification and must be registered with the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN) plus two (2) years post-qualification experience.
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
Engineer II (Electrical)
Candidates should possess a good University degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering and must be registerable with the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN)
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Engineer II (Civil)
Candidates should possess a good University degree in Civil Engineering and must be registerable with the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN)
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Engineer II (Mechanical)
Candidates should possess a good University degree in Mechanical Engineering and must be registerable with the Council of Registered Engineers (COREN)
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Senior Technical Officer (Mechanical)
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Mechanical Engineering from a reputable Polytechnic plus two (2) year relevant post-qualification experience
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
College of Engineering (COLENG)
Department of Agricultural Engineering
Technologist II
Candidates should possess a good honours degree or Higher National Diploma in Agricultural Engineering from a reputable institution
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Technologist II
Candidates should posses a Higher National Diploma in Electrical/Electronic Engineering from a reputable institution
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Department of Civil Engineering
Technical Officer (Survey)
Candidates should possess an Ordinary National Diploma (OND) in Quantity Surveying or Land Surveying plus two (2) years post-qualification experience
Salary: CONTISS 06 (N389,655.00 – N577,941.00)
Central Laboratory Workshop And Biotechnology Centre
Candidates should possess a Masters degree in Science Laboratory Technology with specific emphasis in Biotechnology plus fourteen (14) years relevant post-qualification experience preferably in a University system
Salary: CONTISS 15 (N2,393,097.00 – N3,036,689.00)
Assistant Chief Technologist
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma/Final Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology plus eight ( years relevant post-qualification experience preferably in a University system
Salary: CONTISS 12 (N1,161,957.00 – N1,594,977.00)
Chief Technologist
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma in the Engineering field with ten years post-qualification experience as Technologist preferably in a University System
Salary: CONTISS 13 (N1,561,340.00 – 2,004,669.00)
Senior Laboratory Technologist
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma/Final Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology or relevant field with four (4) years relevant post-qualification experience preferably in a University system
Salary: CONTISS 09 (N828,501.96 – 1,182,128.00)
Senior Instrument Technologist
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma/Final Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology with instrumentation option plus four (4) years relevant post-qualification experience.
Salary: CONTISS 09 (N828,501.96 – 1,182,128.00)
Laboratory Technologist II
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma/Final Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology or relevant fields
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Technologist II (Fitter Mechanist)
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical option). He/she must be able to handle and operate fitter machines effectively
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Instrument Technologist II
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma/Final Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology with Instrumentation option
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Instrument Technician
Candidates should possess an Ordinary Diploma or Intermediate Diploma in Science Laboratory plus two (2) years post-qualification experience
Salary: CONTISS 06 (N389,655.00 – N577,941.00)
Industrial Unit
General Production Manager
Candidates should possess a good degree in Food Science and Engineering from a reputable University. A masters of Business Administration (MBA) is also required. In addition candidates should have a minimum of twelve (12) years relevant post-qualification experience especially in food processing organisation
Salary: CONTISS 13 (N561, 340.00 – N2, 004,669.00)
Production Manager
Candidates should possess a good degree in Food Technology and Engineering from a reputable University plus six (6) years post-qualification experience preferably in a Food Company
Salary: CONTISS 11 (N1,053,750.00 – N1,455,981.00)
Higher Technical Officer
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma in Food Science and Technology from a reputable institution
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – 897,006.96)
Bursary Department
Senior Accountant (Pension)
Candidates should possess a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting plus five (5) years post-qualification experience in Pension Administration matters in the private or public sector or ACA, ICAN, ANAN, ACCA, ACMA plus two (2) years post-qualification experience in Pension Administration matters
Salary: CONTISS 09 (N828,501.96 – N1,182,128.00)
Accountant II (Pension)
Candidates should possess a Bachelor of Science degree in Accountancy or any other equivalent qualification
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Accountant I
Candidates should possess a Bachelor of Science degree in Accountancy plus two (2) years post-qualification experience or ACA, ICAN, ANAN, ACCA, ACMA
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
Accountant II
Candidates should possess a Bachelor of Science degree in Accountancy or any other equivalent qualification
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Higher Executive Officer
Candidates should possess Higher National Diploma in Accountancy/ Foundation of ICAN, ACCA or ACMA plus two (2) years post-qualification experience
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Internal Audit Unit
Higher Executive Officer (Audit)
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma in Accountancy or Foundation of ICAN, ACCA or ACMA plus two (2) years post-qualification experience
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Executive Officer (Audit)
Candidates should possess an Ordinary National Diploma in Accounting plus two (2) years post-qualification experience or Foundation of ICAN, ACCA or ACMA
Salary: CONTISS 06 (N389,655.00 – N577,941.00)
Physical Planning Unit
Chief Planning Officer
Candidates should possess a good honours degree in Architecture, Quantity Surveying and Land Surveying and must be registered with relevant professional bodies and must have at least ten (10) years post-qualification experience preferably in a University system
Salary: CONTISS 13 (N1,561,341.00 – N2,024,669.00)
Principal Planning Officer (Civil)
Candidates should possess a good University degree in Civil Engineering from a reputable University and must be registered with the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN) plus at least six (6) years post-qualification experience preferably in a University system
Salary: CONTISS 11 (N1,053,750.00 – N1,455,981.00)
Principal Planning Officer (Elect/Elect)
Candidates should possess a good University degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering from a reputable University and must be registered with the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN) plus at least six (6) years post-qualification experience preferably in a University system.
Salary: CONTISS 11 (N1,053,750.00 – N1,455,981.00)
Planning Officer II
Candidates should possess a good University degree in Architecture, Town Planning, Quantity Surveying and Land Surveying and must be registerable with relevant professional bodies
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Department of Agricultural Administration
Laboratory Technologist I
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma (Final Diploma) in Science Laboratory Technology or related fields plus two (2) years post-qualification experience
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
Environmental Unit
Chief Environmental Officer
Candidates should possess a good honours degree and must be a retired Military/Police Officer of the rank of Captain, Superintendent of Police or any other equivalent status with a minimum of ten (10) years security experience some of which should preferably be in a University or comparable institution. Ability to relate well with undergraduates is essential
Salary: CONTISS 13 (N1,561,341.00 – N2,024,669.00)
Assistant Chief Environmental Officer
Candidates should possess a good honours degree and must be a retired Military/Police Officer of the rank of Captain, Superintendent of Police or any other equivalent status with a minimum of eight ( years security experience some of which should preferably be in a University or comparable institution. Ability to relate well with undergraduates is essential
Salary: CONTISS 12 (N1,161,957.00 – N1,594,977.00)
Centre for Human Resources Development (CENHURD)
Higher Science Laboratory Technologist (Computer)
Candidates should possess a Higher National Diploma in Computer Science, Engineering or Physical Sciences. The Candidate must be able to carry out computer trouble shooting and repairs with reasonable knowledge in network configuration and set-up. The candidate must have had at least two (2) years post-qualification experience preferably in a University system
Salary: CONTISS 08 (N718,359.00 – N1,044,642.00)
* Candidates from outside South-West Geo-political zone are very much encouraged to apply.
* Junior Non-Teaching Staff Vacancies
Vacancy: Junior Non-Academic Staff
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following vacant positions in the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
Secretarial Assistant
Candidates should possess GCE/WASC O/L plus 50 wpm typewriting speed from a recognized institute. Candidates must have a minimum of two (2) years cognate experience and must be computer literate
Salary: CONTISS 05 (N242,205.96 – N368,286.04)
Secretarial Assistant II
Candidates should possess an S. 75/JSS Certificate plus 35 words per minute typewriting speed from a recognized institute. Candidates must have a minimum of two (2) years cognate experience and must be computer literate
Salary: CONTISS 04 (N198,492.00 – N301,952.04)
Clerical Officer
Candidates should possess a WASC/GCE O/L/SSCE Certificate with five (5) credits which must include Mathematics & English Language
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.96)
Student Affairs
Candidates should possess a West African School Certificate (WASC)/ Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE), National Examination Council Certificate (NECO) with five credits. Experience as Ex-policemen, Prison Warden would be an added advantage
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.96)
Candidates should possess a First School Leaving Certificate
Salary: CONTISS 01 (N161,156.04 – N221,439.96)
Candidates should possess a First School Leaving Certificate
Salary: CONTISS 01 (N161,156.04 – N221,439.96)
ICT Resource Centre
Data Entry Operator II
Candidates should possess an S. 75/JSS Certificate plus 35 words per minute typewriting speed. He/she must also possess a certificate of Computer Literacy from a recognized institution
Salary: CONTISS 04 (N198,492.00 – N301,952.04)
Laboratory Assistant
Candidates should possess a Senior School Certificate (SSCE), WASC/NECO with five credits which must include English and Mathematics. He/she must also be computer literate with a certificate of computer literacy from a recognized institution
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.96)
Environmental Unit
Environmental Assistant
Candidates should possess a West African School Certificate (WASC), Senior School Certificate (SSCE) or National Examination Council Certificate (NECO) plus experience as Police Constable or equivalent
Salary: CONTISS 02 (N165,222.96 – N293,325.00)
Zoological Garden
Zoo/Botanical Attendant
Candidates should possess a first school leaving certificate
Salary: CONTISS 01 (N161,156.04 – N221,439.96)
Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
Laboratory Assistant
Candidates should possess a Senior School Certificate (SSCE) with five credits which must include English Language and Mathematics
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.96)
Department of Food Services and Tourism
Laboratory Assistant
Candidates should possess a Senior School Certificate (SSCE) with five credits which must include English Language and Mathematics
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.96)
Laboratory Attendant
Candidates should possess a Senior School Certificate (SSCE) with three (3) credits and at least two (2) passes
Salary: CONTISS 02 (N165,222.96 – N293,325.00)
Food Chef
Candidates should possess a JSS 3, S. 75 or Modern III Certificate with four (4) years relevant experience as a Cook
Salary: CONTISS 02 (N165,222.96 – N293,325.00)
University Library
Library Assistant
Candidates should possess a Senior School Certificate WASC/GCE O/L, SSCE with five credits which must include English Language and Mathematics
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.96)
Department of Water Resources Management and Agrometeorology
Laboratory Attendants
Candidates should possess a West African School Certificate/ National Examination Council (NECO) Certificate with credits in Chemistry, Mathematics and Geography
Salary: CONTISS 02 (N165,222.96 – N293,325.00)
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
Candidates should possess an S. 75 or Junior School Certificate and must be presently engaged in artisanal fishing activities
Salary: CONTISS 02 (N165,222.96 – N293,325.00)
Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
Technologist II
Candidates should possess an HND/Final Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology or related field
Salary: CONTISS 07 (N619,092.96 – N897,006.96)
Works and Services Department
Driver/Mechanic II (Automobile)
Candidates should possess a Junior School Certificate (JSS III) plus ‘E’ Class Driving License and Trade Test III with two (2) years experience
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – 263,754.96)
Technical Assistant II (Plant)
Candidates should possess a Junior School Certificate (JSS III) plus Government Technical College Certificate in Plant and Generator repairs. Candidate should also possess a Trade Test II and must have two (2) years post-qualification experience
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – 263,754.96)
Technical Assistant (Welding)
Candidates should possess a Junior School Certificate (JSS III) plus Government Technical College Certificate and Trade Test II in welding and must have two (2) years post-qualification experience
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – 263,754.96)
Technical Assistant II (Carpentry)
Candidates should possess a Junior School Certificate (JSS III) plus Government Technical College Certificate in Carpentry. Candidate should also possess a Trade Test II and must have two (2) years post-qualification experience
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.98)
Technical Assistant II (Painting)
Candidates should possess a Junior School Certificate (JSS III) plus Government Technical College Certificate in Painting. Candidate should also possess a Trade Test II and must have two (2) years post-qualification experience
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.98)
Farm Labour
Candidates should possess first school leaving certificate
Salary: CONTISS 01 (N161,156.04 – N221,439.96)
College of Engineering (COLENG)
Department of Agricultural Engineering
Technical Assistant
Candidates should possess a minimum of JSS 3 Certificate. In addition, candidates should also possess a Government Technical College Certificate plus Trade Test II & I in relevant fields. A minimum of three (3) years relevant experience is required
Salary: CONTISS 04 (N198,492.96 – N301,952.04)
Department of Civil Engineering
Laboratory Assistant
Candidates should possess a minimum of JSS 3 Certificate plus Government Technical College Certificate. In addition, candidates should possess a Trade Test II in relevant field
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.98)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Laboratory Assistant I
Candidates should possess a minimum of JSS 3 Certificate. In addition, candidates should also possess a Government Technical College Certificate plus Trade Test II in electrical works. A minimum of three (3) years relevant experience is required
Salary: CONTISS 04 (N198,492.96 – N301,952.04)
Laboratory Assistant
Candidates should possess a minimum of JSS 3 Certificate plus Government Technical College Certificate. In addition, candidates should possess a Trade Test II in relevant field
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.98)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technical Assistant I
Candidates should possess a minimum of JSS 3 Certificate. In addition, candidates should also possess a Government Technical College Certificate plus Trade Test II in relevant fields. A minimum of three (3) years relevant experience is required
Salary: CONTISS 04 (N198,492.96 – N301,952.04)Naijahotjobs.com
Laboratory Assistant
Candidates should possess a minimum of JSS 3 Certificate plus Government Technical College Certificate. In addition, candidates should possess a Trade Test II in relevant field
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.98)
Carpentry Section
Technical Assistant I (Woodwork)
Candidates should possess a minimum of JSS 3 Certificate. In addition, candidates should also possess a Government Technical College Certificate plus Trade Test II in Woodwork and Carpentry. A minimum of three (3) years relevant experience is required
Salary: CONTISS 04 (N198,492.96 – N301,952.04)
Technical Assistant II (Carpentary)
Candidates should possess a minimum of JSS 3 Certificate. In addition, candidates should also possess a Government Technical College Certificate plus Trade Test II in Woodwork and Carpentry. A minimum of two (2) years relevant experience is required
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.98)
Mason Section
Technical Assistant I
Candidates should possess a minimum of JSS 3 Certificate. In addition, candidates should also possess a Government Technical College Certificate plus Trade Test II in relevant field. A minimum of three (3) years relevant experience is required
Salary: CONTISS 04 (N198,492.96 – N301,952.04)
Technical Assistant II
Candidates should possess a minimum of JSS 3 Certificate. In addition, candidates should also possess a Government Technical College Certificate plus Trade Test II relevant field. A minimum of two (2) years relevant experience is required
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.98)
Electrical Section
Technical Assistant I
Candidates should possess a minimum of JSS 3 Certificate plus Government Technical College Certificate and Trade Test II in Electrical (Auto). A minimum of three (3) years relevant experience is required Naijahotjobs.com
Salary: CONTISS 04 (N198,492.96 – N301,952.04)
Technical Assistant II
Candidates should possess a minimum of JSS 3 Certificate plus Government Technical College Certificate and Trade Test II in Electrical (Auto). A minimum of two (2) years relevant experience is required
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.98)
Welding Section
Technical Assistant II
Candidates should possess a minimum of JSS 3 Certificate plus Government Technical College Certificate and Trade Test II in welding (Arc & Gas). A minimum of two (2) years relevant experience is required
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.98)
Central Laboratory Workshop and Biotechnology Centre
Laboratory Assistant
Candidates should possess a Senior School Certificate (SSCE), national Examination Council Certificate (NECO) with five credits which must include English Language and Mathematics
Salary: CONTISS 03 (N174,743.04 – N263,754.98)
Technical Assistant I (Instrument Technician)
Candidates should possess a minimum of Junior Secondary School Certificate (JSS 3) plus Government Technical College Certificate in Electrical/Electronics and Trade Test 1. Candidates should have at least five (5) years relevant experience
Salary: CONTISS 04 (N198,492.96 – N301,952.04)
* Candidates from outside South-West Geo-political zone are very much encouraged to apply.
These are as obtainable in the Public Service of Nigeria and the University System.
Candidates should address their applications with twenty (20) copies of their Credentials and Curriculum Vitae in the order stated below:
* CV format for academic position
* CV format for non-academic position
Candidates should also attach as much supporting documents as will permit assessment to:
P. M. B. 2240
To reach him not later than six (6) weeks from the date of this advertisement. All applicants should request their Referees (minimum of 3) to send Confidential Reports on them directly to the Registrar within the same deadline. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted by e-mail or their cell phone numbers.
* Candidates from outside South-West Geo-political zone are very much encouraged to apply.
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