MSH Nigeria :Finance & Admin Assistant (2 Positions)
Overall Responsibilities
The FAA will be responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of technical efforts and/or field activities by providing logistical support and coordinating programmatic information for the Nigeria project activities within the OVC Project. She or he will assist technical advisors/specialists and senior managers to coordinate project activities and will assist Finance & Admin Officer (FAO) for ensuring that any money expended in the field is done in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, MSH policy, and any cost principles imposed by the donor agency. The FAA is aware of, and adheres to, MSH’s procurement integrity standards in all activities. She or he works with other staff from the headquarters and/ or partner organizations to coordinate technical assistance.
These positions is based in States.
Specific Responsibilities
1. Represent MSH, offering excellent customer care to our guests, clients and partners physically or through the electronic media.
2. Facilitate effective and efficient communication between MSH staff, partners and clients.
3. Manage the front office/desk and provide general administrative support, functions including but not limited to: faxing, copying, binding, drafting memos and letters.
4. Handle arrangements and assist in the logistics for meetings, retreats, and workshops.
5. Provide project support to specific projects.
6. Assist with Procurement, preparing Activity Profile, Advance Request, Travel Arrangements etc.
7. Provide accounting and financial management and support
1. University Degree in Accounting or equivalent certification from a Business Technical School.
2. Experience as an Accountant or understanding of key aspects of accounting.
3. Proficiency in Microsoft Office programs, especially Excel spreadsheets, or comparable. software and basic accounting software (i.e. Quickbooks).
4. Specific qualification in management of a large and busy office.
5. Familiarity with the PEPFAR or interest in learning about public health issues.
6. Excellent writing and communication skills.
7. Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
8. Strong organizational skills and ability to handle multitask.
9. Ability to respond to new challenges in a flexible and thoughtful manner.
10. USAID experience desired.
Background Information
The LMS Prevention Organizational Systems AIDS Care and Treatment Project (ProACT) is a USAID-funded project managed by Management Sciences for Health (MSH). The goal of the project is to build the capacity of Nigeria’s public/private institutions and communities to strengthen sustainable systems for HIV/AIDS and TB service delivery. The project seeks to recruit highly creative and innovative individuals with cutting edge technical skills and integrity.
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