Marine Superintendent/Towmaster for EDC – Maersk Drilling, Cairo, Egypt
Marine Superintendent/Towmaster for EDC – Maersk Drilling, Cairo, Egypt
Marine Superintendent/Towmaster for ED
The Marine Superintendent has two specific functions.
He will handle all marine matters regarding EDC’s offshore units and activities. He will act as Tow Master during offshore rig moves when there is no Tow Master assigned to undertake this duty.
When acting as Towmaster or in conjunction with the assigned Towmaster he will take care of or assist with all normal duties undertaken by the Towmaster. These duties will be all pre move requirements and arrangements including, but not limited to, the timely preparation and submission of a move plan, approval of the location to which the rig is to be moved, acceptance of suitability of rig for water depth at proposed location, acceptance of seabed surveys where required, and jointly with Rig Manager, the provision of weather forecasts, arrangement of cores to be taken of the seabed at the new location if required and where appropriate, the suitability of the platform over which the rig will work. Jointly with Warranty Surveyors and Tow Master he will approve and accept all boats and anchor handlers which will be used during the move with regard to validity of bollard pull certification, standard and competence of boat crews and general seaworthiness.
When acting as Tow Master for the duration of the actual jacking and move operation, including jacking and pre-loading operations on the new location, he shall be responsible for the safety and overall move operation of the rig in question, final decision on weather suitability before commencing rig move operations, jacking operation, watertight integrity of the vessel, position and utility of anchor handlers, management and disposition of vessel whilst under tow, decision on when final approach shall be made to the new location, jacking and preloading operations and de-mobilization of all personnel and equipment required to complete the move in a timely manner.
All post move requirements and arrangements, including but not limited to, ensuring that all move and jacking operations are completed, the rig is handed over to Drilling Operations or the rig OIM, a final move report is submitted and any post move de-brief required by either EDC or client is done.
When acting as Towmaster, he reports directly to the CEO for matters concerning the move, otherwise he will report to the Offshore Operations Manager.
When acting as Marine Superintendent he will, for all the company’s offshore rigs, both owned and managed, in conjunction with the Rig Manager, be responsible for all marine and general safety aspects. These duties will be closely coordinated with Operations Department management.
As Marine Superintendent:
2.1 Shall overlook the marine side of the operation in cooperation with the Offshore Rig Manager.
2.2 Shall ensure that all rig classification certificates and surveys are kept up to date.
2.3 Shall ensure that all governmental instruction and certificates are followed and kept up to date.
2.4 Shall ensure all safety measures are taken with regard to the marine operation.
2.5 Shall ensure that general safety equipment such as fire fighting and escape facilities are in the first class condition.
As Tow Master:
2.6 Shall collect the necessary information for the upcoming rig moves, arrange for the premove meetings and arrange insurance surveyors for move attendance in cooperation with the Rig Manager.
2.7 Shall ensure that the rig is prepared for the rig move, with respect to equipment and sea worthiness.
2.8 Shall be in charge of the actual rig move operation, as from the time the rig is signed over from the Tool Pusher to the Tow Master and until the time it is signed back over to the Tool Pusher.
2.9 Shall arrange post move meetings with Operators’ Representatives and Insurance Surveyors as needed.
2.10 Shall follow EDC Safety Management System Procedures and Instructions.
Required Skills:
Extensive knowledge of Marine Operations with specific regard to Jack Up rigs.
Unlimited Master Mariner certification.
Highly experienced as Tow Master.
Understanding of and ability to maintain all requirements for Class and Flag State certification and requirements.
Understanding of and ability to coordinate all procedures and approvals required to safely carry out all rig move procedures.
Contact information:
For further information please contact Robert Petrie at Tel: +20 (2) 2406 2222
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