Delta State College of Physical Education – Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post of Bursar in the Delta State College of Physical Education, Mosogar, Delta State, Nigeria.
The Delta State College of Physical Education, Mosogar, was established by law enacted by the Delta State Government in 2002 to amongst other things:
Encourage the advancement of learning and to hold to all persons without distinction of race, creed, ethnic background, sex or political conviction of the opportunity of acquiring a College Education.
Provide courses of instruction and other facilities for pursuit of learning and skill acquisition in Physical Education, Athletics, Coaching and all forms of Sports in general.
Undertake any other activity appropriate for a College of Education of the highest standard.
To help graduates fill into the social life of the community and society at large and to enhance their commitment to national objectives.
To provide graduates with intellectual and professional background adequate for their assignment and to make them adaptable to any changing situation not only to the life of their country but in the global sphere.
We are recruiting to fill the the position below:
Location: Delta
Experience: 18 year(s)
Course of Study: Accounting
Required Grade:
The Position
By virtue of the Delta State College of Physical Education, Mosogar, Law, 2002, the Bursar is a Principal Officer who shall be appointed by Council and is responsible to the Provost for the financial administration of the College.
The Candidate
The Bursar must:
Be a person of proven integrity.
Be intellectually and professionally sound and knowledgeable in the rules and regulations of College/Tertiary system.
Have worked in a tertiary institution and attained the rank of at least Principal Accountant.
Be vast also in Public Service rules and Financial Regulations.
Be loyal to the Chief Executive and the Council and assist in formulating sound financial policies.
Applicants/candidates must hold a good honours degree or HND in Accountancy or Finance from a recognized
University or Polytechnic with at least 18 years post qualification cognate experience plus registration with a recognized professional accounting body (ICAN or ANAN).
Terms and Conditions of Service
By the enabling law, the Bursar shall hold office on such terms and conditions as may be specified in the instrument of appointment.
Application Closing Date: 14th January, 2015.
Method of Application
Applicants must submit Thirty (30) copies of their application letters and attach to each application letter, detailed
Curriculum Vitae showing:
Full Names
Place and Date of Birth
Home Address
Contact Address
Local Government Area/State of Origin (if Nigerian)
Marital Status
Number and Ages of Children (if any)
Institutions attended with dates
Academic Qualifications obtained with dates
Working Experience
Present Employment indicating present status and salary
Extra Curriculum Activities
Referees (3).
Candidates are also to enclose their Vision and Mission statement for the College of not more than Five
Hundred words.
Each referee should be requested by the applicant to forward direct to the Provost, Delta State College of Physical Education, Mosogar, a confidential report on the candidate’s character, academic ability and competence in a property sealed envelope marked: POST OF THE BURSAR: REFEREE’S REPORT at the top left hand corner of the envelope.
All applications, supporting documents and referees report must be submitted by hand under confidential cover, or through courier delivery to:
The Registrar,
Delta State College of Physical Education,
Delta State, Nigeria.
Note: The sealed envelope(s) containing the applications should be marked post of BURSAR at the top left hand cover. Candidates should note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Application Deadline 14th Jan 2015