The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) ex-WARDA seeks a highly qualified individual to
Vacancy Announcement
The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) ex-WARDA seeks a highly qualified individual to
fill the position of Research Assistant for Weed Science at the General Support Staff
(GSS) level at its regional East and Southern Africa station, Dar es Salaam (Tanzania).
The successful candidate will provide scientific, administrative and program support to
the Weed Scientist.
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) ex-WARDA
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) is an autonomous intergovernmental research association
of African member states. AfricaRice is also one of the 15 international agricultural
research Centers supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural
Research (CGIAR). AfricaRice believes that diversity in its staff promotes excellence in
its operations, and encourages applications from women and nationals of developing
countries. AfricaRice’s regional East and Southern Africa office is based in Dar es
Salaam Tanzania. Dar es Salaam, offers excellent living conditions for AfricaRice staff.
Position: Research Assistant for Weed Science
Salary Grade: GSS – G 6.
• Support the program agenda related to Weed Science, including monitoring and
backstopping of projects in different countries, preparation of seminar and conference
presentations, organization of workshops and meetings and drafting minutes, reports
and scientific papers
• Backstopping of students and NARS collaborators
• Provide substantive support in the preparation, editing and proofreading of
documents, research papers and proposals
• Initiate, design, implement and monitor weed research activities
• Coordinate and provide feedback on program implementation with other units
• Undertake any other duties as the Weed Scientist shall require
Qualification and Experience
The successful candidate will have:
• An MSc. degree in agricultural sciences (preferably in weed sciences or agronomy)
• Experience in design and implementation of experimental research, farmer surveys or
farmer participatory approaches
• Proven knowledge and experience in integrated crop management or weed science.
• Knowledge of statistical analysis of research data and experience in working with
statistical software packages (such as Genstat)
• Ability to work under pressure, and to work in a multicultural and multidisciplinary
environment requiring good interpersonal and communication skills
• Capacity to conduct independent work and produce reliable results
• A high degree of professional motivation, flexibility, initiative, drive, reliability and
willingness to learn and develop new skills
Application procedure
Send by e-mail or post, (Subject: Weed Science RA application) a detailed CV with a
cover letter and the names and addresses of three referees (including telephone, fax
number and e-mail addresses) to:
Philomena Chundu
Africa Rice Center
P.O. Box 33581,
Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania,
Tel./Fax (office): +255 222780768
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] (Subject: Weed Science RA
N.B.: Applications should include detailed CV + one (01) page of your personal data:
Family name, first name, sex, date of birth, complete address, marital status, nationality,
highest degree/diploma, number of years of relevant work experience for the position,
ability to master AfricaRice working languages (English/French).
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Applications will be considered until 15 October 2009.
Vacancy Announcement
The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) ex-WARDA seeks a highly qualified individual to
fill the position of Research Assistant for Weed Science at the General Support Staff
(GSS) level at its regional East and Southern Africa station, Dar es Salaam (Tanzania).
The successful candidate will provide scientific, administrative and program support to
the Weed Scientist.
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) ex-WARDA
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) is an autonomous intergovernmental research association
of African member states. AfricaRice is also one of the 15 international agricultural
research Centers supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural
Research (CGIAR). AfricaRice believes that diversity in its staff promotes excellence in
its operations, and encourages applications from women and nationals of developing
countries. AfricaRice’s regional East and Southern Africa office is based in Dar es
Salaam Tanzania. Dar es Salaam, offers excellent living conditions for AfricaRice staff.
Position: Research Assistant for Weed Science
Salary Grade: GSS – G 6.
• Support the program agenda related to Weed Science, including monitoring and
backstopping of projects in different countries, preparation of seminar and conference
presentations, organization of workshops and meetings and drafting minutes, reports
and scientific papers
• Backstopping of students and NARS collaborators
• Provide substantive support in the preparation, editing and proofreading of
documents, research papers and proposals
• Initiate, design, implement and monitor weed research activities
• Coordinate and provide feedback on program implementation with other units
• Undertake any other duties as the Weed Scientist shall require
Qualification and Experience
The successful candidate will have:
• An MSc. degree in agricultural sciences (preferably in weed sciences or agronomy)
• Experience in design and implementation of experimental research, farmer surveys or
farmer participatory approaches
• Proven knowledge and experience in integrated crop management or weed science.
• Knowledge of statistical analysis of research data and experience in working with
statistical software packages (such as Genstat)
• Ability to work under pressure, and to work in a multicultural and multidisciplinary
environment requiring good interpersonal and communication skills
• Capacity to conduct independent work and produce reliable results
• A high degree of professional motivation, flexibility, initiative, drive, reliability and
willingness to learn and develop new skills
Application procedure
Send by e-mail or post, (Subject: Weed Science RA application) a detailed CV with a
cover letter and the names and addresses of three referees (including telephone, fax
number and e-mail addresses) to:
Philomena Chundu
Africa Rice Center
P.O. Box 33581,
Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania,
Tel./Fax (office): +255 222780768
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] (Subject: Weed Science RA
N.B.: Applications should include detailed CV + one (01) page of your personal data:
Family name, first name, sex, date of birth, complete address, marital status, nationality,
highest degree/diploma, number of years of relevant work experience for the position,
ability to master AfricaRice working languages (English/French).
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Applications will be considered until 15 October 2009.
Ref: GSS/14/RD/September 09
The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) ex WARDA is seeking for a highly qualified Cropping Systems
Agronomy Research Assistant at the GSS (General Support Staff) level.
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) ex WARDA
The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) ex WARDA is an association of 23 African member states and
one of the 15 international Centers supported by the Consultative Group on International
Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The Center’s mission is to contribute to poverty alleviation and
food security in Africa, through research, development and partnership activities aimed at
increasing the productivity and profitability of the rice sector in ways that ensure the sustainability of
the farming environment. The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) ex WARDA is temporarily
headquartered in Cotonou, Benin, which offers good living conditions, with excellent international
schools for both French- and English- speaking students. More information on AfricaRice is
available on
The successful candidate will be hosted at the temporary headquarters of the Africa Rice Center in
Cotonou, Benin. He/she will be mostly involved in activities of cropping systems agronomy
Under the direct supervision of the cropping systems agronomist (CSA), the successful candidate
will be in charge of the following tasks:
• Establishment of field, screenhouse and lab experimental trials;
• Lab analysis of research soil, plant and water samples;
• Statistical analysis of research data using statistical packages such as SAS, GENSTAT, or
any other appropriate software;
• Putting up tables and other graphs to summarize research data using Microsoft Excelderived
software or any other appropriate programs.
• Contribute to bibliographical search and writing up of technical reports and other scientific
publications in English and/or French
• Contribute to the preparation of presentations/ slides of research results using software
packages such as PowerPoint and any other appropriate program.
• Carry out any other professional duties as needs arise within the Unit, including organize
and manage all data generated through projects coordinated by the CSA
• An M.Sc. or “DEA” degree or equivalent in Agronomy, Soil Science or any related field.
• At least 2-year experience in the establishment, monitoring of on-farm and on-station
research trials. Experience in rice research and laboratory analysis will be an asset
• Knowledge of statistical analysis of research data, using SAS and Genstat
• Be familiar with the use of software packages such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
• Fluency in English or French with a working knowledge in the other language is highly
• Proven capacity to deliver promptly while working under pressure in a multicultural setting.
• Be able to take initiatives and work satisfactorily with a minimum supervision.
DURATION OF THE APPOINTMENT: Initial appointment is for two years.
Candidates should send an application with current detailed curriculum vitae and the names and
addresses (including telephone/fax/e-mail) of three referees to:
Personnel Officer
Africa Rice Center
01 BP 2031 Cotonou (Bénin)
Tel (229) 21 35.01.88 Fax: (229) 21 35 05 56
E-mail: [email protected]
N.B: The detailed CV should include: Name, forenames, sex, date of birth, marital status,
nationality, higher diploma obtained, and number of years of professional experience in the field …
Applications will be received until 16 October 2009
We thank all applicants but only those who are shortlisted will be contacted
AfricaRice believes that staff diversity contributes to excellence
and encourages women professionals to apply.
Research Assistant – Innovation Systems
Ref: GSS/13/RD/September 09
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) ex-WARDA seeks a highly qualified individual to fill the position of
Research Assistant to work with the Learning and Innovation Systems Program.
The successful candidate will provide scientific and administrative support to the Program under
the direct supervision of the Agricultural Innovation Systems specialist. She or he will be recruited
at the GSS (General Support Staff) level and will be based at AfricaRice temporary headquarters
in Cotonou, (Republic of Benin).
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) is an association of African member states and one of the 15
international Centers supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
(CGIAR). AfricaRice’s mission is to contribute to poverty alleviation and food security in Africa,
through research, development and partnership activities aimed at increasing the productivity and
profitability of the rice sector in ways that ensure the sustainability of the farming environment.
AfricaRice is temporarily headquartered in Cotonou, Benin.
Category: GSS
Under the direct supervision of the Agricultural Innovation Systems specialist, the Research
Assistant will perform the following tasks:
• Support the programme agenda related to learning and innovation systems, in ways that
include: ▫ Collecting and analysing data using social and anthropological research methods ▫ Analysing and strengthening institutional arrangements relevant to agriculture, particularly
those dealing with access to resources (land, water, credit …) ▫ Analysing and strengthening knowledge and communication systems, including linkages
b etween organisations that provide technical assistance to farmers
• Provide substantive support in editing and proofreading unit documents
• Independently, upon instruction, prepare a variety of written outputs such as briefs, speeches,
minutes of meetings and reports as required
• Support in the compilation of operational, administrative or other program related matters
• Undertake scientific analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, and other processes
essential for publishing and reporting results or findings e.g. presentations (charts, tables,
PowerPoint etc.).
• Coordinate and provide feedback on program implementation with other units.
• Undertake any other duties as assigned within the learning and innovation systems program.
The successful candidate will have:
• An MA/MSc. degree in social sciences relevant to Agriculture and Rural Development
(preferably a combination of Development Studies and Technology Policy);
• Evidence of strong comprehension of the methods and tools of social science research, both
qualitative and quantitative. A good grasp of computer packages used for data analysis in the
social sciences is highly desirable;
• A proven ability in oral and written reporting;
• Fluency in written and spoken English and French;
• Five (05) years of successive and progressive working experience in research that is relevant
to the African smallholder;
• The ability to work in team within a multicultural environment requiring good interpersonal and
communication skills;
• The capacity to conduct independent work and produce reliable results with limited
• A high degree of initiative, drive, reliability and resourcefulness.
Application procedure: Send applications by e-mail, fax or post, a detailed CV along with a letter
of interest and the names and addresses of three professional referees (including telephone, fax
and e-mail contacts) to:
Personnel Officer
Africa Rice Center
01 BP 2031 Cotonou (Benin)
Tel (229) 21 35.01.88 Fax: (229) 21 35 05 56
E-mail: [email protected]
N.B: The CV must have the following details: Name, forenames, nationality, higher diploma
obtained, and number of years of professional experience in the field …
Applications will be received until 16 October 2009
We thank all applicants but only those who are short listed will be contacted
AfricaRice believes that staff diversity contributes to excellence
and encourages women professionals to apply.
Réf: GSS/16/RD/Octobre 09
Le Centre du riz pour l’Afrique (AfricaRice) ex-ADRAO sollicite l’envoi de candidatures qualifiées
pour le poste d’Observateur au sein du Projet « Green Super Rice ». Ce poste est de niveau GSS
(General Support Staff) et basé au siège temporaire de l’Institution à Cotonou (République du
Le Centre du riz pour l’Afrique (AfricaRice) ex-ADRAO:
Le Centre du riz pour l’Afrique (AfricaRice) ex-ADRAO est une Association de recherche
intergouvernementale autonome composée d’Etats Africains. AfricaRice est aussi l’un des 15
centres internationaux de recherche agricole soutenus par le Groupe consultatif pour la recherche
agricole internationale (GCRAI). AfricaRice croit que la diversité de son personnel favorise
l'excellence de ses opérations et encourage les candidatures féminines et celles des ressortissants
des pays en développement. La principale station de recherche et le siège de l’AfricaRice sont
temporairement situés à 17 km au nord de Cotonou, la capitale économique du Bénin.
Catégorie salariale : GSS
Responsabilités :
Sous la supervision de l’Assistant de Recherche, l’Observateur accomplira les tâches suivantes :
1. Assister l’Assistant de recherche à réceptionner, préparer et distribuer aux pays pilotes
membres du projet les lots d’échantillons de semences de riz GSR
2. Assister l’Assistant de recherche dans les activités de multiplication et de régénération de
germplasm GSR et autres;
3. Sous la supervision de l’Assistant de recherche suivre et faire des observations notées au
champ sur les performances des variétés de riz GSR dans les essais d’adaptabilité; saisir
à l’ordinateur les données de recherche
4. Conduire des activités de récolte et post-récolte
5. Aider l’Assistant de recherche dans la supervision de travailleurs journaliers;
6. Etre disposé à travailler au-delà des heures normales de travail;
7. Exécuter toutes autres fonctions que pourrait lui confier son superviseur dans le cadre
des activités de l’ADRAO
Les Candidats doivent avoir :
1. Un Diplôme d’Etudes d’Agriculture Tropicale (DEAT) ou un diplôme équivalent ;
2. Au moins deux ans d’expérience dans le domaine de la mise en place et suivi au champ
d’expérimentations agronomiques portant sur le riz ;
3. La maîtrise de l’outil informatique, notamment l’utilisation des logiciels Excel, Microsoft Word et
PowerPoint serait un atout supplémentaire ;
4. Une aptitude à travailler en équipe et à communiquer.
Procédure de candidature : envoyer par e-mail, fax ou courrier, un CV détaillé avec une lettre de
motivation et les noms et adresses de trois personnes de référence professionnelle (comprenant
téléphone, numéro de fax et adresse électronique) à :
Personnel Officer
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)
01 BP 2031 Cotonou (Bénin)
Tel (229) 21 35.01.88 Fax : (229) 21 35 05 56
E-mail : [email protected]
N.B. : Le CV détaillé doit comporter les mentions obligatoires suivantes : Nom, prénoms, sexe,
date de naissance, situation familiale, nationalité, diplôme supérieur obtenu, nombre d’années
d’expériences professionnelles dans le domaine, maîtrise ou non des deux langues de travail
Seuls les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés.
Les candidatures seront acceptées jusqu’au 30 Octobre 2009.
Réf: GSS/15/RD/Octobre 09
Le Centre du riz pour l’Afrique (AfricaRice) ex-ADRAO sollicite l’envoi de candidatures qualifiées
pour le poste d’Observateur pour le compte de l’Unité d’Agronomie (Systèmes de Cultures). Ce
poste est de niveau GSS (General Support Staff) et basé au siège temporaire de l’Institution à
Cotonou (République du Bénin).
Le Centre du riz pour l’Afrique (AfricaRice) ex-ADRAO:
Le Centre du riz pour l’Afrique (AfricaRice) ex-ADRAO est une Association de recherche
intergouvernementale autonome composée d’Etats Africains. AfricaRice est aussi l’un des 15
centres internationaux de recherche agricole soutenus par le Groupe consultatif pour la recherche
agricole internationale (GCRAI). AfricaRice croit que la diversité de son personnel favorise
l'excellence de ses opérations et encourage les candidatures féminines et celles des ressortissants
des pays en développement. La principale station de recherche et le siège de l’AfricaRice sont
temporairement situés à 17 km au nord de Cotonou, la capitale économique du Bénin.
Catégorie salariale : GSS
Responsabilités :
Sous la supervision de l’Assistant de Recherche, l’Observateur accomplira les tâches suivantes :
1. Aider l’Assistant de Recherche à mettre en place les expérimentations agronomiques en
serre, au labo et au champ.
2. Sous la supervision de l’Assistant de recherche suivre et faire des observations notées au
champ sur les expérimentations agronomiques; saisir à l’ordinateur les données de
3. Conduire des activités de récolte et post-récolte.
4. Aider l’Assistant de recherche dans la supervision de travailleurs journaliers.
5. Etre disposé à travailler au-delà des heures normales de travail.
6. Exécuter toutes autres fonctions que pourrait lui confier son superviseur dans le cadre
des activités de l’AfricaRice.
Les Candidats doivent avoir :
1. Un Diplôme d’Etudes d’Agriculture Tropicale (DEAT) ou un diplôme équivalent.
2. Au moins deux ans d’expérience dans le domaine de la mise en place et suivi au champ
d’expérimentations agronomiques portant sur le riz.
3. La maîtrise de l’outil informatique, notamment l’utilisation des logiciels Excel, Microsoft Word et
PowerPoint serait un atout supplémentaire.
4. Une aptitude à travailler en équipe et à communiquer.
Procédure de candidature : envoyer par e-mail, fax ou courrier, un CV détaillé avec une lettre de
motivation et les noms et adresses de trois personnes de référence professionnelle (comprenant
téléphone, numéro de fax et adresse électronique) à :
Personnel Officer
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)
01 BP 2031 Cotonou (Bénin)
Tel (229) 21 35 01 88 Fax : (229) 21 35 05 56
E-mail : [email protected]
N.B. : Le CV détaillé doit comporter les mentions obligatoires suivantes : Nom, prénoms, sexe,
date de naissance, situation familiale, nationalité, diplôme supérieur obtenu, nombre d’années
d’expériences professionnelles dans le domaine, maîtrise ou non des deux langues de travail
Seuls les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés.
Les candidatures seront acceptées jusqu’au 30 Octobre 2009.
AfricaRice believes that the diversity in staff promotes excellence in its operations, and
encourages applications from women and developing country professionals.
For more information about WARDA, visit
AfricaRice believes that the diversity in staff promotes excellence in its operations, and
encourages applications from women and developing country professionals.
For more information about WARDA, visit

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Monday, October 12, 2009
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