World Concern implements specific community development programs in agriculture, micro-lending, project management, education, vocational training and primary health care. We also respond to sudden natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies around the world.
Job Description:
People in the world’s poorest countries are more susceptible and vulnerable to disasters of all kinds.
Their homes are shoddily built with poor materials and fall into ruins in earthquakes, storms and floods. Lacking infrastructure in villages and towns, there usually are no warning systems when disaster looms, or any provisions for food, water and shelter afterward.
World Concern provides emergency aid to families suffering from man-made and natural disasters including war, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, drought and famine.
We supply food, shelter, cooking supplies, medical care, and support for traumatized people in crisis, rebuilding homes and livelihoods.
When there is a disaster, we need qualified individuals who have experience working in disaster relief situations. If you would like to submit your application for our relief pool we will keep it on file. Please include a detailed description of your prior experience in relief situations.
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Friday, September 17, 2010

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