The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group’s mission is to help reduce poverty, improve living conditions for Africans and mobilize resources for the continent’s economic and social development. With this objective in mind, the institution aims at assisting African countries –
individually and collectively – in their efforts to achieve sustainable economic development and social progress. Combating poverty is at the heart of the continent’s efforts to attain sustainable economic growth. To this end, the Bank seeks to stimulate and mobilize internal and external resources to promote investments as well as provide its regional member countries with technical and financial assistance.
African Development Bank (AFDB) is recruiting for Principal Agricultural Economist
-Position title: Principal Agricultural Economist
-Grade: PL-4
-Position N°: NA
-Reference: ADB/09/121
Duties and responsibilities
Under the general supervision of the Division Manager, OSAN.1 and working in collaboration with Task Managers, the incumbent will contribute technical inputs to Bank Group’s operational activities relating to agriculture and rural development, through the review of the technical design and institutional arrangements for agricultural projects/programmes in general and water resources management projects in particular, proposed for Bank’s funding and assessing their feasibility from the perspective of present and future benefits impact by:
* Undertake personally and leading, as required, field missions to identify, prepare, appraise and/or supervise project implementation and follow-up on Bank-financed sector studies, monitor projects’ procurement and disbursement and reporting systems to ensure that these are consistent with Bank’s rules of procedures;
* Participate in strategy and sector policy development;
* Participate in, and lead, as required, agricultural sector reviews, agricultural and rural development projects formulation, mid-term reviews and project completion missions and processing;
* Participate in appraisal and processing of agricultural and rural development projects and Terms of Reference (TOR) of studies proposed for Bank Group financing;
* Contribute technical inputs in the preparation of country strategy papers and portfolio reviews, with particular reference to the agriculture and rural development sector;
* Review procurement documents from regional member countries in line with the Bank’s Group’s procurement procedures and make proposals for action by the Bank and executing agencies;
* Review project feasibility studies and progress reports and make proposals for action by the Bank and executing agencies;
* Provide technical advice to the Bank’s Disbursement Division on the eligibility of project expenses;
* Prepare terms of reference and select consultants for missions and supervise technical aspects of their work;
* Represent the Bank in coordination meetings with other institutions; and
* Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Division Manager or by Senior Management.
Selection Criteria
Including desirable skills, knowledge and experience
* At least a Master’s degree or equivalent in Agriculture with a major in Agricultural Economics, or Development Economics;
* Preferably a minimum of six (6) years of relevant and broad professional experience in project formulation, preparation, appraisal and management, with broad interest in water resources management issues;
* Ability to apply innovative approaches; ability to work in team, analyze and summarize; good interpersonal, communication and project management skills; demonstrated attention to details, good result and client service orientation;
* Good leadership abilities; committed to the development in the continent; ability to apply innovative approaches and to modify work methods while remaining efficient in changing work conditions;
* Good mastery of standard computer applications (Microsoft office package) with knowledge of COSTAB and SAP as a plus; Strong ability to undertake financial, economic and cost-effective analysis of projects and programmes
* Ability to communicate and write effectively in English or French with good working knowledge of the other language.
Only applicants who fully meet the Bank’s requirements and are being considered for interview will be contacted. Applicants will only be considered if they submit (preferably electronically, to: [email protected]) a fully completed Personal History Form (PHF), CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE PHF (also available from the Bank’s web site), and attach a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV) indicating date of birth and nationality.
The President, ADB, reserves the right to appoint a candidate at a lower level.
The African Development Bank is an equal opportunities employer and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Closing Date for Application is 30th August 2009